Legal Structures
The Rebirthing of the Corporation Sole
By Elvis Iverson
Copyright © 2008 by Elvis Iverson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwisewithout prior written permission of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.
Printed in the United States of America
Elvis Iverson
P.O. Box 8132
Omaha, NE 68108
Supplication International Ministry
Introduction of Legal Structures
The first Amendment of the Constitution
The Non-Profit Corporation
Understanding the Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole is an Reformation Issue
Corporation Sole Prophecy
Congregational Apostolic Government
How to Form a Corporation Sole
Introduction of Unincorporated Association
Introduction of Religious orders
1. Introduction of Legal Structures
There are legal structures and then there is biblical government, we will enter into a discussion of legal structures for religious organization, there two kinds of legal structures that we will talk about, but there is Four Ways to Legally Organize Your American Ministry or Church which are The unincorporated association, The non-profit corporation, The corporation sole, and The charitable trust, and we are also going to discuss religious orders. What we will focus more of our time on will be unincorporated association and corporation sole.
Before there are legal structures there is first biblical government; we must know and understand biblical government and we must teach biblical government, there are too many churches are there that have some form biblical government, but is not biblical government. Biblical government is freedom apart from legal structures and civil government. Yes we are to give account to govern authority that has been appointed by God, civil government does not have control over your speech, faith, doctrine, ideals, practices, and they cannot control church government, instead we are equally accountable such as the order of kings and priest, the kings in the Old Testament did not rule over the priesthood, and the priesthood did not rule over the kingdom, instead they give an account to one another, for both were accountable by the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God is over both civil government and the church, for our Lord Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords.
You must setup your biblical government according to the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, you must write down your biblical government so that those who are lead to come apart of your fellowship can walk in agreement and unity in vision with you. This is why we must have constitutional biblical government, meaning you write out biblical constitution for your biblical government and church ministry.
Your church or ministry is not a corporation sole, the office is the corporation sole, and the church or ministry is an unincorporated association.
However, the 501 (C) (3) Corporation is not the will of God for your legal structure for your unincorporated association, which is your church or ministry.
Here are ten reasons that the 501 (C) (3) Corporation is not the will of God for your Church.
It is against the first Amendment of the bill of rights, the Constitution of the United States of America.
It is an unequally yoke and a yoke of bondage.
It is not the will of God.
It is not the order of God
It hinders the authority of God's church.
It hinders the authority of God.
It hinders the anointing upon the church, or a church.
It detaches a church from the head of the Church.
It is an ungodly covenant.
It is a sin.
Yes there is grace for us believers, and God does use those churches and ministries that have for their legal structure, the 501 (C) (3) Corporation. I believe those who have unincorporated association with canon corporation sole will have more freedom, flow more in the anointing and authority of God. The 501 (C) (3) Corporation limits freedom, anointing and authority.
The corporation sole: This is the oldest form of religious organization recognized by the U.S. government. While it has the word corporation in its name, it is not the same type of corporation as the non-profit corporation. The corporation sole is an ecclesiastically formed entity rather than a government formed organization such as the non-profit corporation. The government simply recognizes its existence rather than forming it through law. The religious form is older, dating to the mid-fifteenth century and brought to the American shores before the U.S. Constitution was written. Because the corporation sole existed in America before the U.S. Constitution was written, it enjoys recognition by the government even though the government does not form it. A number of religious organizations in the United States of America, large and small, are incorporated in this fashion. About one-third of the various states in the United States of America have specific laws concerning the corporation sole. Those states that do not have specific laws concerning the corporation sole do legally recognize the corporations sole formed in other states as legitimate tax-immune religious organizations as does the federal government.
In my times of prayer about the corporation sole, I believe the Lord said there is coming a movement of religious freedom in America, the 501 (C) (3) Corporation will come to an end, and Canon Law Corporation Sole will become popular again in America. I believe the Corporation Sole is a reformation issue; it is one of the issues of this coming already great reformation of the Church.
Conclusion, Corporation Sole is a more biblical legal structure, more then unbiblical 501 (C) (3) Corporation, the Corporation Sole with unincorporated association is the best and better way to go for church or ministry in America.
2. The first Amendment of the Constitution
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (First Amendment, Bill of Rights, Freedom of religion, speech, and the press; rights of assembly and petition, U.S. Constitution.)
The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America; the rest of Constitution is the application and guidelines of the First Amendment; the reasons why God was behind the beginning of America, and He was behind the creation of America, is for the reasons of the vision and visionary ideal of the First Amendment.
We as citizens of America must guard our freedoms, we must protect these freedoms that has not been giving by man or government, instead these freedoms were giving to us by God, it is the role of government to protect our freedoms.
These unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are not giving from man or government, are not administered by government or man, they are giving only from God, government is to guard and protect the rights of all people entrusted to their care.
501 (C) (3) Corporation limits our freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, and tax-immunity, and when you enter into the 501 (C) (3) Corporation your lose your tax-immunity for tax-exempt, and you willing give your freedom of religion and your religion to the control and authority of the state. All of this is against the First Amendment, and the Constitution, how the states gets away with this, is that you willingly come into a covenant giving up your religious rights. All of this is against the Will of God and the Order of God. The Church is to be equal with the government, and likewise the government is to be equal with the church, but the 501 (C) (3) Corporation is an unequally yoke, unequally order, unequally contract with the government. The state is in control of your faith now.
It is time for us to regain our freedom of religion, if you are already in a 501 (C) (3) Corporation, you can form a Corporation Sole, and then give all the property and assets of 501 (C) (3) Corporation over to your Corporation Sole.
About one-third of the various states in the United States of America have specific laws concerning the corporation sole. Those states that do not have specific laws concerning the corporation sole do legally recognize the corporations sole formed in other states as legitimate tax-immune religious organizations as does the federal government. What we must do is to have specific laws for the corporation sole in all states. What we should do is copy the Nevada specific laws concerning the corporation sole, and applies them to all states in America. Nevada is the only state with specific laws that recognize Canon Law Corporation Sole, there is civil corporation sole and then there is Canon Law Corporation Sole, the specific laws concerning the corporation sole that we want is those that recognize Canon Law Corporation Sole.
In addition, a corporation sole is relatively easy to set up in comparison to the non-profit corporation and you need not pay anyone to do it if you chose to organize in this fashion. You need not inform the IRS of your incorporation as a corporation sole either. You will not need a lawyer either as most are unfamiliar with this form of organization. Some states, such as Nevada, only require filing out a one-page form to receive recognition. In turn, other states, even the state that you may reside in, will recognize you if any other state has recognized you.
Conclusion, there is coming a movement of religious freedom in America that will restore the order between government and church, and rebirth the Canon Law Corporation Sole in America.
3. The Non-Profit Corporation
We need Canon Law Corporation, not statutory law, we do not need civil corporation Sole, we need Cannon Law Corporation Sole, and we do not need 501 (C) (3) Corporation.
Many churches today, and many ministries today in America become 501 (C) (3) Corporation, we think it is the norm but we have believe a lie, to do ministry or to have a church you do not need 501 (C) (3) Corporation, you don't even need a Corporation Cole, you only form a Corporation Sole for the management of property and assets of a church or a ministry.
The church already has Tax-Immunity; you do not need to get permission to worship your God, God has already giving you that right, and the state has no control over your freedom of faith and worship. But when you become Tax Exempt you lose your Tax-Immunity as a church or a ministry.
501 (C) (3) Corporation: Tax Exempt Status with the IRS Internal Revenue Service under title 26, U.S. Code, section 501 (C) (3). Prior to 1954, this incorporation status was virtually not known. Those ministers who have incorporation have become a state agent of the government; the agent of the state exclusively accountable and under the contract of the state, the church that becomes a 501 (C) (3) Corporation is an agency of the government for humanitarian purposes.
In 1954 an act of congress create a new type of Business Corporation. This act of congress gives the IRS supreme access over these corporations. Subordinate agencies under the control and power of the State, An instrument of the State.
In 1981 the U.S. Supreme Court stated that the primary function of a tax-exempt organization is to act on behalf of the government in carrying out government-approved public policies. The First Amendment of the Constitution states that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. According to Supreme Court Justice Huge Black he stated that the "establishment Clause" of the First Amendment means at least this: "neither a state or the federal government can set up a church."
Did the government go against this amendment? What happen? The establishment is not the government; the establishment has been the clergy.
When the church applies for the 501 (C) (3) Corporation status that is offered by the state, it becomes a government entity and loses its constitutional immunity position of the church that is provided in the First Amendment, and takes on the corporate status of the state. When the contact requires one party to come under the jurisdiction [rule, authority] of another party of unlike minds, the former party may do so only if it has the freedom to enter such a contract. This means we have freedom not to enter, if we do enter we loses our freedom of faith.
The distinction between an exemption and immunity is most significant. Immunity is irrevocable. An exemption is invariably conditional and granted with stipulations made as to its revocability. Immunity is a sovereign, God-given right. The tax-exempt status can be modified, amended, or revoked for any number of reasons.
Conclusion, there is a better way it is unincorporated association and corporation sole, for your legal structure.
4. Understanding the Corporation Sole
The Corporation Sole is an office of one, the Corporation Sole is not the ministry; the ministry is an unincorporated association, the ministry or church ministry is of biblical government, and the corporation sole is the better legal structure for church ministry.
The Corporation Sole is an office of one, the office of one is not the same as the person who holds the office, there is the person seating in the office and there is the person apart from the office, they are two persons in one person.
The Corporation Sole is an office of one and his successors, to form a Corporation Sole you only need one Overseer, a successor and a secretary, and if you are filling your Corporation Sole in another state you will need a Registered Agent.
A number of religious organizations in the United States of America, large and small, are incorporated in this fashion. About one-third of the various states in the United States of America have specific laws concerning the corporation sole. Those states that do not have specific laws concerning the corporation sole do legally recognize the corporations sole formed in other states as legitimate tax-immune religious organizations as does the federal government.
A corporation sole is relatively easy to set up in comparison to the non-profit corporation and you need not pay anyone to do it if you chose to organize in this fashion. You need not inform the IRS of your incorporation as a corporation sole either. You will not need a lawyer either as most are unfamiliar with this form of organization. Some states, such as Nevada, only require filing out a one-page form to receive recognition. In turn, other states, even the state that you may reside in, will recognize you if any other state has recognized you. We recommend that you file your corporation sole in the state of Nevada. The reason being is they are the only state that will accept the ecclesiastical cannon law corporation sole written as an office and not as an entity on behalf of a church ministry.
The Corporation Sole is not a business corporation; it is not even a corporation, instead the corporation sole is an ecclesiastically formed entity rather than a government formed organization such as the non-profit corporation.
The Corporation Sole is for the purpose of management of property and assets of a church or a ministry.
The Corporation Sole is after the order according to the order of Melchizedek in 2023 B.C. and the church is not under the state, it is an unincorporated association; it was formed within the body of Christ in 33 A.D. The Corporation Sole predated the existence of the United States and this is the oldest form of religious organization recognized by the U.S. government.
Today we are seeing the restoration of the ministry of the apostle, apostles of the Corporation Sole are arising by grace and anointing, being led to establish a corporation sole, and Corporation Sole is the office of the apostle so and so and his or her successors. That apostle of a Corporation Sole can setup the legal structure of their church ministry, and their church ministry is an unincorporated association. There can be many churches, ministries etc. under one office of the Corporation Sole.
5. Corporation Sole is an Reformation Issue
Our eyes are be open to the truth of the Non-Profit Corporation, many ministers and many churches today are becoming Non-Profit Corporations, which takes away there freedom of faith, and speech.
Many ministers and many churches have enter into an unequally yoke with the state. Become an agent of the state; a church that comes into this unequally yoke is no longer a church, instead apart of the state, and the ministers of a church are now agents of the state.
When you enter into this unequally yoke with the state you go from tax-immune to tax-exempt; the primary function of a tax-exempt organization is to act on the behalf of the state in carrying out state-approved pubic policies such as legalized abortion, euthanasia, no praying in schools, no commandments in public buildings, no discrimination against homosexuality, and sodomy, etc.
When you enter into this unequally yoke with the state you, you are willingly giving up and limiting your First Amendment Rights. It is not the equally order of kings and priests instead it is the unequally order of the state in control of the church.
The Corporation Sole is a reformation issue for the reasons; apostles are free to build their churches, ministries and networks according to the Holy Scriptures, we need biblical governments, when you go Corporation Sole you are both Corporation Sole and unincorporated association.
The Corporation Sole is a reformation issue for the reasons; you are both Corporation Sole and unincorporated association, and you have full tax-immunity, and full First Amendment Rights, and come into equally order with the State and God.
We are to ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it, then you will find rest for your souls, it is time to stand in these ways and see!
The so called old wineskins are of man made nature, the new wine skins is of revelational and biblical made, the old wine skins are the ways of man, and the new wineskins are of the ancient pathways.
The Non-Profit Corporation is of man made systems, it is of the spirit of the world, not the Spirit of Christ, and instead the Corporation Sole is of the ancient pathways.
We will see in coming days all across America the reformation of the Church of America, it will be a massive reformation, it has already begun, so it will become a lion, and one of the things we will see is the rebirthing of cannon law Corporation sole.
Apostles of the Corporation Sole will arise and rebirth the Corporation Sole all across America, a freedom and liberty will abound and overflow among the church of America, ministering to America and the church around the world.
6. Corporation Sole Prophecy
Corporation Sole Grace
May 10, 2008
The Corporation Sole shall be rebirth throughout the states in America, there is a grace and there is anointing that has been place upon the Corporation Sole, He is calling His apostles to carry the mantle of the Corporation Sole, there is a connection that is a key to the supernatural and grace from the Chief Apostle Jesus Christ our Lord.
More freedom and more libraries will come to the church in America through the grace of the Corporation Sole. Laws will change, laws will be undone, and the end of the non-profit religious Corporation will come to pass, civil government will not rule over the church, instead rule together side by side with Christ ruling over them both.
In our time the Kingdom of God will increase, there will be great increases of the Kingdom of God, in our time the church will increase, and there will be great increases of the church.
I will change America, and through America and the Church in America I will minister freedom to the church in each nation and to the nations around the world. The Lord is calling America to return to a pure freedom, and to return to a pure calling to freedom, and returning to the call of freedom.
The Lord will rebirth and revive Canon Law Corporation Sole, which shall replace the non-profit religious Corporation. The Lord will rebirth and revive the unincorporated association and the corporation sole throughout the states of America.
This is a work of His grace, this is His work, His hand is upon it, and He will bring it to fullness, and with His plan will come an overflow of outpouring of blessings.
There is a angel called the angel of the corporation sole, he has been place over this legal structure, and he has been send to rebirth and revive the Corporation Sole in every state in America.
Corporation Sole Anointing
May 11, 2008
I see anointing coming, flowing across the America Church; it is the Corporation Sole Anointing. Then I see an angel come before me in this vision I see, this angel is the angel of the Corporation Sole; he says I have waited until the sound of the trumpet was heard from the Throne Room, now the anointing of the Corporation Sole shall be released in the church, in the earth, and in the church in America and America. The angel then said just because you have a Corporation sole does not mean you have the anointing of the Corporation Sole flowing upon you, only those works birth and ordained by the Spirit will have the Corporation Sole Anointing.
Grace: I see a grace flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural grace to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic grace from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Anointing: I see a anointing flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a anointing to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic anointing from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Favor: I see a favor flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural favor to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic favor from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Protection: I see a divine protection flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural protection to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic protection from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Blessings: I see blessings flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural blessings to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic blessings from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Authority: I see an authority flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural authority to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic authority from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Freedom: I see a divine freedom flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural freedom to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic freedom from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Apostleship: I see an apostolic anointing, an apostolic grace, an apostolic power, an apostolic manifestation, and divine apostolic apostleship flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This supernatural apostleship to do the work of the ministry; this is an apostolic apostleship from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Support: I see a divine support flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural support to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic support from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Generational: I see a generational anointing, generational grace, generational blessings, generational impartation, and generational ministry flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This supernatural generational anointing to do the work of the ministry; this is an apostolic generational anointing from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Impartational: I see a divine impartation flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural impartation to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic impartation from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Increase: I see a divine increase, an anointing for increases flowing upon the Corporation Soles birth and ordained by the Holy Spirit and the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural increase to do the work of ministry; this is an apostolic increase from Christ the Chief Apostle of the Church.
Furthermore: I see this angel of the Corporation Sole, saying this is the anointing of the Corporation Sole that shall flow upon those Corporation Soles that birth by the Holy Spirit and Ordained by the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ.
Corporation Sole Blessing
May 11, 2008
In a vision I see an angel before me in this vision, he is the angel of the Corporation Sole he says there is a river of blessing that is giving to those Corporation Soles that the Lord has purposed and ordained. In a vision you can see this river of blessing it is a river of the corporation sole blessing flowing upon and through and throughout and from the Lord Ordained Corporation Soles.
It only takes one river of blessing to flow upon you to change everything around you!
I see blessings flowing in the river of corporation sole blessing; I see the river of corporation sole blessing flowing upon the ordained corporation soles.
I see the river of corporation sole blessing flowing upon corporation soles that are works of the Spirit.
I see the river of corporation sole blessing flow upon the apostles of the corporation sole.
I see the river of corporation sole blessing flow, and the corporation soles become a rich mighty oak trees, I see there roots grow rich and deep, I see the ground around them, and ground that they are planted upon become good ground and rich ground, I see the seeds of the oak tree fly throughout the spheres of influence and authority, and from these seeds came other anointed fruitful oak trees, and as they increase in fruitfulness, the foundation oak tree grow stronger and become mightier and releases more seeds, and become more fruitful.
I see the river of the corporation sole blessing flow upon the corporation soles, I am see wealth, means, ways, support, seeds, opportunities, supernatural accesses, and favor flowing from the river of the corporation sole blessing upon the corporation soles.
I see the river of the corporation sole blessing flow upon the corporation soles, and I see fruitfulness, increases, great increases, and prosperity.
I see the river of the corporation sole blessing flowing upon the God ordain corporation soles, I see angels fly along the way of the river of corporation sole blessing.
Corporation Sole Freedom
May 11, 2008
In a vision I see the Angel of the Corporation Sole standing before me in this vision he says there is a divine freedom that comes with the Corporation sole, those Corporation soles that are ordained by the Lord and are works of the Spirit.
I see this freedom coming this divine freedom; it is the liberty of the Holy Spirit, it is freedom and order, it is grace and anointing, it is blessing and favor, it is authority and increase, it is apostolic grace and apostolic power.
I see this freedom coming this divine freedom; it is a freedom from darkness, demons, fallen angels, control, and fear of man, it is freedom from the control of men, it is freedom that comes from Christ, under His control, His control is freedom and liberty with order, with obedience, with love and with the Word of God, which is God's law.
I see this freedom coming this divine freedom; it is freedom of access, it is freedom of accesses, it is freedom of empowerment, it is a freedom of empowerments, in is a freedom of opportunity, it is a freedom of opportunities, it is a freedom of open doors and open gates, it is a freedom of authority, it is freedom of supernatural grace, supernatural works, supernatural freedom, supernatural manifestations, and supernatural power.
I see this freedom coming, this divine freedom; it is a freedom of faith, a freedom of worship, a freedom of witness, a freedom of practice, a freedom of ministry, a freedom of prosperity, a freedom of increase, and a freedom of fruitfulness.
I see this freedom coming, this divine freedom; it is a supernatural freedom, it is a apostolic freedom, it is a Kingdom freedom from God, it is a grace freedom, it is a divine freedom, it is an opportunity freedom, it is an empowerment freedom, it is an access freedom, and it is an prosperity freedom.
The Angel of the Corporation Sole says this freedom is from Christ, the Head of the Church, the King of kings, Lord of lords, this freedom is from the Church, it from the Kingdom of God, this freedom is from Christ's preeminence.
7. Congregational Apostolic Government
Leaders, companies, local congregations are trying to move forth in apostolic grace, in apostolic anointing, in apostolic movements, and apostolic revival; however without apostolic government it will fail, it will fall short, it will not truly mature and manifest. You may have a good heart; instead you need a pure heart and revelation. (Rom. 1:11-12)
The Lord today by the Holy Spirit in the apostles and prophets are establishing new wineskins, these wineskins will be built to grow, instead can change, and theses wineskins will be built to connect with other wineskins, apostolic congregations, and the church around the world. However, the old wineskins are not bad or evil, they cannot connect with other old wineskins or with the new wineskins. The new apostolic wineskins are built to connect. (Matt. 13:47)
The New wineskins that are being built in our generation for future generations of Church are; apostolic ecclesiastical networks, new apostolic congregations, apostolic horizontal networks, territorial apostolic networks, apostolic city church centers, and marketplace church networks, apostolic prayer centers and apostolic functional prayer networks, etc. (LK. 5:37-39)
These new wineskins are being built with revelation and relationship; they are being built for the holding and cooperation with revivals, signs and wonders, reformation, social transformations, harvests, reaching out to the nations, and marketplace outreaching, and biblical unity. (Acts 2:13)
If your going to move forth in apostolic anointing on a congregational level, it first and foremost must be thus says the Lord, then be led by the Holy Spirit, have grace the is needed, and have apostolic government. (1 Cor. 12:28)
What is an apostolic congregation?
An apostolic congregation foundation is apostles and prophets.
An apostolic congregation is a congregation of vision and visionary leadership.
An apostolic congregation is a congregation lead with the leadership of apostles.
An apostolic congregation is a house of the prophets and the prophetic.
An apostolic congregation is an environment for spiritual gifts, gifts of the Spirit, signs and wonders, manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and revivals.
An apostolic congregation is a congregation that does the work of an evangelist.
An apostolic congregation is a city, national and international missionary base.
An apostolic congregation is a body ministry.
An apostolic congregation is a congregation where the saints are equipped to do the work of the ministry, and the believers do the work of ministry.
An apostolic congregation raise, train fivefold ministers and sends them out to minister and plant new apostolic congregations.
An apostolic congregation is a house of prayer and a house of worship for all nations.
An apostolic congregation is an outreach center to the marketplace, and the outreach of the apostolic congregation is the marketplace church.
An apostolic congregation is a network of home cells, and the pastoral ministry is done in the home cell, and the apostolic congregation is built on relationship with Christ and one another.
An apostolic congregation has relationship and fellowship with the city church, and the church around the world.
What is a congregational apostolic government of an apostolic congregation looks like?
The center leadership is a team of elders; the elders are apostles, prophets and teachers, and they cooperation the leadership together and keep the continuity of the apostolic congregation.
The team of elders is led and coordinate by a senior elder who is an apostle, an apostle is to lead an apostolic congregation, among the team of elders, he is the set visionary, and has the last word. He is the set visionary to an apostolic congregation. He is a congregational apostle of an apostolic congregation.
Most apostolic congregations will become mega churches; Apostolic congregations can be churches with great grace, great power, great fear of the Lord, and great increase, the word great means mega; mega grace, mega power, etc. (Acts 4:33)
The Marketplace church will be establish, and the Lord will build a bridge between the church and the marketplace, in the long run the marketplace church will be more effective and productive and connect more healthy with the apostolic church, the marketplace is an outreach of the apostolic church, and the apostolic church is an inner-reach of the marketplace church. The Lord is building strong, healthy, and mature relationships between church apostles and marketplace apostles. (Rev. 1:6, 5:10)
The Lord gives me a dream about a congregation trying to move forth in the apostolic anointing, they begun to have an apostolic service and allowed an apostle that was raise up among them to minister in this apostolic service, and their congregation begun to grow and increase. In this dream I was an apostolic consultation to this congregation. This was a congregation trying to move forth in apostolic anointing without apostolic government, or congregational apostolic government. In this dream this congregation had growth, increase, and some fruit, however without congregational apostolic government it will fail. They had a board of elders running the congregation who were not elders, there main service was a traditional service, and then they had an apostolic service for apostolic anointing. (Rom. 1:5)
8. How to Form a Corporation Sole
First and Foremost I ask that you do your own research and study of the Corporation Sole. Be prayerful and be led by the Holy Spirit in setting up a Corporation Sole. The information that we have provided here and in other articles on the Corporation may not be complete; we are only trying to point you in the way of the corporation Sole, in this article we are trying to give practical steps in how to setup a Corporation Sole, but we are not saying that we know all the steps, the purpose of this article is to aid you in setting up a Corporation Sole.
Become knowledgeable of the Corporation Sole.
A corporation sole is relatively easy to set up in comparison to the non-profit corporation and you need not pay anyone to do it if you chose to organize in this fashion. You need not inform the IRS of your incorporation as a corporation sole either. You will not need a lawyer either as most are unfamiliar with this form of organization. Some states, such as Nevada, only require filing out a one-page form to receive recognition. In turn, other states, even the state that you may reside in, will recognize you if any other state has recognized you. We recommend that you file your corporation sole in the state of Nevada. The reason being is they are the only state that will accept the ecclesiastical cannon law corporation sole written as an office and not as an entity on behalf of a church ministry. Yes there are a few lawyers that can help you; there are also those who provide a service in helping you setup your corporation sole, there have been some unscrupulous individuals trying to sell corporations sole to the public who have made false claims about them being a way to legally avoid paying taxes and having a kind of impenetrable protection from lawsuits. This is not true.
We recommend that you file your corporation sole in the state of Nevada. The reason being is they are the only state that will accept the ecclesiastical cannon law corporation sole written as an office and not as an entity on behalf of a church ministry.
You need to fine a Registered Agent in the State of Nevada; you can go to the Nevada Web Site to search for Registered Agents.
It is best to fine someone who is true and just that can assist you in filing the paper work and setting up your corporation sole.
Before you setup a corporation sole, you should already be in ministry, you setup your ministry as an unincorporated association, you don't have to setup a corporation sole to go into ministry, the corporation sole is for the purpose of management of property and assets of a church or a ministry.
You only need one Overseer, a successor and a secretary for your corporation sole.
Articles of Corporate Sole in Cannon Law form.
Mission Statement of your Corporate Sole.
Resolution letter of successors.
Statement of Faith Documented as a Vow of Poverty, this is a term that IRS looks for, this does not mean you believe in poverty, or your talking a vow of poverty, it is a statement saying that you are not in ministry for greed, etc.
All these Documents must be sign by two or three witnesses.
Cannon law constitution and BY-Laws for your church ministry.
Mission Statement of your ministry.
Resolution latter for banking.
Resolution latter of your identification number with the state of Nevada.
Resolution latter of IRS Banking Identification Number, and apply for employer Identification number with the IRS for Banking Purpose only.
All these Documents must be sign by the one who is seated in office of the Corporation Sole.
9. Introduction of Unincorporated Association
An unincorporated association is a group of believers in Christ coming together to practice their faith and fellowship as a group. It is church, a church ministry, ministry, church network, church organization, an organization of churches, etc. That is not a 501 (C) (3) Corporation.
An unincorporated association is not a corporation sole; See a corporation sole is only for the purpose of the management of property and assets of a church or a ministry.
You don't even need a Corporation Cole; you only form a Corporation Sole for the management of property and assets of a church or a ministry.
An unincorporated association has full Tax-Immunity. The church already has Tax-Immunity; you do not need to get permission to worship your God, God has already giving you that right, and the state has no control over your freedom of faith and worship. But when you become Tax Exempt you lose your Tax-Immunity as a church or a ministry.
An unincorporated association comes under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (First Amendment, Bill of Rights, Freedom of religion, speech, and the press; rights of assembly and petition, U.S. Constitution.)
The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America; the rest of Constitution is the application and guidelines of the First Amendment; the reasons why God was behind the beginning of America, and He was behind the creation of America, is for the reasons of the vision and visionary ideal of the First Amendment.
These unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are not giving from man or government, are not administered by government or man, they are giving only from God, government is to guard and protect the rights of all people entrusted to their care.
How do you form an unincorporated association?
A group of believers in Christ coming together to practice their faith and fellowship as a group or a ministry, church network, church organization, an organization of churches, etc.
Write out a constitution, by-laws, and articles, etc.
Sign by at least three witnesses.
Write out a mission statement and sign by three witnesses.
A resolution letter for banking.
Employer Identification number for bank purposes only.
Statement of faith for ministers to sign recognized as a vow of poverty; this is a term that IRS looks for, this does not mean you believe in poverty, or your talking a vow of poverty, it is a statement saying that you are not in ministry for greed, etc.
All these Documents must be sign by two or three witnesses.
10. Introduction of Religious orders
A society of a Religious (Spiritual) Order is personal in the sense that heir ecclesiastical jurisdiction does not depend upon geographical boundaries and they do not have territorial boundaries, as do churches. It is not the church/church ministry that makes up the members, but personal individuals who are characterized as religious (spiritual) that have been called out to do a religious mission or purpose.
Religious Orders are considered to be a special type of entity under the Internal Revenue Code. A Church organization does not have the power or special type entity as religious Order. There are many church organizations of churches, but they do not have the power and protection as a Religious Order does. An organization of churches is looked upon differently than a Religious Order by the Internal Revenue Department.
An ecclesiastical religious order falls under unincorporated association, and it is an unincorporated association.
An ecclesiastical religious order is not the same as a church, church organizations, or even a corporation sole. See a corporation sole is only for the purpose of the management of property and assets of a church or a ministry.
How do you form an ecclesiastical religious order?
Spiritual leaders are lead to setup an ecclesiastical religious order, by writing out a constitution, by-laws and set principles, such as introduction, history, covenant, mission statement, purpose, etc. Then it must be sign by at least three witnesses.
An ecclesiastical religious order can go along with your church ministry organization to aid in; Strengthen and nourish the bond of a network, Promote continuity and coherence, Strengthen and support the bond, Establish and build relationships, and Build covenant relationships, Strengthen the unity, continuity, and vision.