Establish in Radical Grace
By Elvis Iverson
Copyright © 2015 by Elvis Iverson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.
Printed in the United States of America
Elvis Iverson
P.O. Box 8132
Omaha, NE 68108
Supplication International Ministries
I believe in Radical Grace
Simplicity of Grace
Reign in Life
Union in Christ
AD 33
Seated with Christ
Identity in Christ
Great Forgiveness
Accepted in The Beloved
Receive God is Love
Contend for the Grace
Foundation of Grace
Grace and Holiness
Born to Love
Born from Above
Grace and Rest and Peace
Seated of Rest
The Rest of Christ
Throne Room Rest
Rest and the Life of God
Open Door Always
Five Groups of People
Behind The Veil
Prosperity by Grace and Rest
Destiny of Sons of God
Divine Complacency
I Believe in Radical Grace
I believe in Radical Grace when I was a young believer in Christ; God give me this truth for by Grace through faith you are saved, we are not saved by works, by good deeds, by being a good person, by going to church, by having the right doctrine, by being from the right family, by being the right race, by a certain church group, by keeping the ten commandments, by giving tithes, and by giving money to the poor, we are saved by grace alone and even faith is a gift of God, The Holy Spirit is the divine response and He gives you inspiration to believe in Christ. – (Eph. 2:8-9)
What is the difference between the grace most are teaching and radical grace? The grace they are teaching is mix with legalism however, radical grace is 100% percent based on Christ alone!!!
It is time for the church to be establish in the Gospel of Radical Grace, the gospel of the New Covenant!!! We need to embrace Paul’s teachings, he was the apostle of the New Covenant. The New Covenant is a eternal covenant, the dispensation of the grace of God is a dispensation that does not end. –(Rom. 16:25)
You must fully be establish and fully embrace the Gospel of Radical Grace, our minds need to be renew by the Gospel of radical grace!!! God wants us free from legalism, the mixing of grace and laws is not grace is a form of legalism, we are living in the time of reformation of all things, the great reformation of the Church, the third reformation, and in each reformation the gospel has always and will always be the gospel of radical grace, but in our time God will fully establish the church in the gospel of radical grace, this is a apostolic mandate of the new apostolic movement of the second apostolic age of the church, the apostles and the prophetic will come into holy union with the Gospel of radical grace and then we will have a great outpouring of signs and wonders.
As you fully embrace the Gospel of radical grace you will healed, set free and have freedom from condemnation, condemnation is not from God, is not from Christ, and is not from the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is not the ministry of condemnation by of comfort, condemnation is from religion, is from man, and it is from darkness, in the Light of Christ there is no condemnation. –(Rom. 8:1)
As you fully embrace the Gospel of radical grace you will no longer backside, for there is no backsliding in Christ, the reason you backside is that you have not been establish in the Gospel of radical grace and have proper discipleship.
As you fully embrace radical grace you will be free from a sinful conscience and your mind will be renewed to grace and truth, for from Jesus Christ our Lord comes grace and truth and you will standfast in the truth that you are now the righteousness of God in Christ.
As you fully embrace radical grace you will be free from a sinful nature that the truth is that the sinful nature die in AD 33 on the Cross of Christ and He was buried and the sinful nature of mankind was buried with Him, the sinful nature is no longer alive but dead in Christ, and when Christ rose you rose in the newness of life and you are a new creation in Christ, you are holy by the Blood of Jesus only.
And at last as you fully embrace radical grace you will access by faith all the blessings of God, every blessing known to mankind and God you shall have, God has bless you and what is bless can only be bless.
The Holy Spirit is renewing our mind and establishing us in the Gospel of Radical grace, your life has been change since AD 33 and now everything around you will change once you believe that your pass is already changed.
Simplicity of Grace
I believe in Radical Grace when I was a young believer in Christ; God give me this truth for by Grace through faith you are saved, we are not saved by works, by good deeds, by being a good person, by going to church, by having the right doctrine, by being from the right family, by being the right race, by a certain church group, by keeping the ten commandments, by giving tithes, and by giving money to the poor, we are saved by grace alone and even faith is a gift of God, The Holy Spirit is the divine response and He gives you inspiration to believe in Christ. – (Eph. 2:8-9)
Radical grace is the simplicity of Christ, many today in the Church has moved away from the simplicity of Christ, and the Holy Spirit is now restoring the simplicity of Christ, He has saved the best for last, for the best wine is saved for last, and that wine is the wine of radical grace. Out of all the symbols Christ chosen a cup of wine to be the symbol of the church. –(2 Cor. 11:3)
For by grace you have been saved through faith how simple can you get, and this is the truth and this truth is the foundation of your salvation in Christ. Any person, any pastor, any prophet that say otherwise is a false prophet, is not from Christ, do not hear them.
Jesus Christ is the Door, He is the open Door, He is the way, truth and Life through God the Father, it is thieves and robbers that want to mislead you away and say you must do works or good deed to get God’s blessings and favor.
It is Scripture Alone we need to study the Word get good doctrine, know the Truth and the truth shall set you free, from our Lord Jesus Christ came grace and truth, grace is first, for your truth is not covered with grace it is not truth, it is not from God.
It is Christ Alone for He saved you, He paid the price, He redeem you and He forgive you of all your sins.
It is Grace Alone that saved you, your own works, your own good deeds does not save you it is Christ Alone it is Grace Alone. What is Grace it is fully relaying on the Finish Works of Christ.
It is Faith Alone that when hear the preaching of the Word, the Holy Spirit touches your heart to have faith in Christ Alone Grace Alone, for faith is a gift from God.
To God Alone be the glory it was not man, it was not a church, it was not my church, it was not your church that saved you, it is Christ Alone Grace Alone.
You are saved by grace through faith, you did not saved you, a prayer does not save you, a prayer can be a beginning point for you to believe in Him, but it was Christ Alone that save you, and your faith is a gift from God.
Reign in Life
You are called to reign in Christ in this life and the next, many believers do not believe that they reign today for the reason they embrace radical grace, for it is by radical grace you reign today, we are called to reign in the many areas of life, reign in your person life, reign in family life, reign in your career and reign in your community, we are called to change our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, our states, our nations, our zones, and globally in Christ.
It is by the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness we reign now, today and always in Christ. You must be establish in radical grace and you must have faith you are the righteousness of God in Christ and this is how simple it is in Christ, that through Grace and His righteousness that you reign in Christ. – (Rom. 5:17)
Now only we are called to reign in Christ we are called to overcome all things, whatever you are facing you are not alone, whatever you are facing you can overcome, for you already have overcome in Christ, Christ has anointed you to reign and to overcome today and always.
It is by faith and the blood of Jesus and your testimony of who He is, and what He did for you, and what you are believing Him for, and who you are in Christ, and knowing your sinful nature is no longer it is dead in Christ and now you are a new person, a better person a supernatural person in Christ that you overcome any thing you may face.
The New covenant is between God the Father and Jesus Christ and nothing you do can break or undo the New Covenant, for the new covenant is a eternal covenant, and When Christ rose you rose, you live in victory and freedom, and when Christ ascended you ascended you already have promotion in Christ you already have promotion in life, you have promotion today, and when Christ was seated next to God the Father you were seated with you, you have rest of Christ, you are seated with Christ, when Christ enter into rest you enter into rest, you dwell in the rest of Christ right now and today, and you are in the soaking presence of God since AD 33, and Christ begin His reign on Earth when He ascended and was seated next to the Father, so you have be reigning since AD 33.
You have abundance of grace today, you have grace and favor, Christ is your grace, Christ give you grace, and grace gives you favor, Christ has giving you grace and favor, you have favor with God since AD 33 and you have favor with favor with man since AD 33, it is Christ ALONE GRACE ALONE as you believe that you will flow in grace and favor everything of your life.
It is a free gift, your salvation is a free gift, you have freedom since AD 33 for reason that God give you the free gift of salvation and from that you have freedom in all areas of your life. YES AND AMEN!!!!!
Union in Christ
When you received Christ you enter into the rest of Christ and into Holy Union with Christ, this union is based on the Finish Works of Christ, when Christ said it was finish it was finish!!! You have been in Union with Christ since AD 33, since your an union with Christ you have union with God the Father, since you have union with Christ you have union with the Holy Spirit and this union is based on GRACE ALONE and the Blood of Jesus Christ and nothing can break or divide this unbreakable union!!! This union is an unity between you and the Trinity, since the beginning and before the beginning the Trinity always wanted to add to their fellowship to their family, God is for relationships, God is a relatable God, God is for family, and God is for community and His whole purpose for Christ first coming was to bring man not only into relationship, but to become a part of the Trinity family, not that we are God, but we are in His fellowship, His communion, and His council!!!
How near can you get, you are seated with Christ, and your seated with Christ on His Throne next to God the Father, you are very very very near to God that Father and this is based on CHRIST ALONE GRACE ALONE and the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Not only we have union with Christ we are one with Christ, since you one with Christ you are one with God the Father, and since you are one with Christ you are one with the Holy Spirit. You have union, unity and oneness with God through Christ.
Since you have union, unity, and oneness with God through Christ, we are in union, unity and oneness with each other in Christ. The Body of Christ, which is the Church is an union and unity and in oneness with God and one another in Christ.
To be in union you must identify yourself with the death, buried and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord; He Jesus die you die, your sinful nature, the old man, old nature, the first Adam die with Christ it is no longer alive, to be in Christ is to be dead to sin and sinful nature. When Christ was buried you were buried with Christ, the old you is not coming back, the sinful nature will not have a new beginning. When Christ rose you rose in the new nature of Christ, in the newness of life, in the holiness of God, in the new creation in Christ, you are now of the last Adam. – (Col. 2:12)
When Christ ascended you ascended and when Christ was seated next to God the Father you were seated in Christ. Let us renew our mind, let us come to knowledge of the truth, and let us fully embrace and be establish in radical grace, your destiny begins when fully are establish.
God has already change your life by changing your past, once you fully understand this your today and future and everything around you will begin to change.
When Christ said it was finish! It was finish! Christ fulfilled the prophecy of salvation of mankind, He paid it in full once and for all. –(Jn. 19:30)
AD 33
In 2023 B.C. Melchizedek met Abraham in the valley of Shaveh celebrating their meeting with wine and bread as it is written in Genesis 14:17-24; Melchizedek was a type of Christ and this meeting was a type of the last supper.
In A.D. 33 Jesus Christ establish the New Covenant with the Apostles of the Lamb of Christ and the Church. The one symbol that Christ chosen to use as the symbol of this new faith was a cup of wine, God want us to be happy, to have a marry heart, to enjoy God, to enjoy life in Him.
A.D. 33 Christ lay His life down for us, He is the Lamb of God that takes away our sins, where are your sins now, your sins are no more, Christ took them to the Cross. When He die on the Cross you die, when He was buried you were buried with Him, when He rose you rose with Him, when He ascended you ascended, when He was seated down on His Throne you seated down in Christ. This all happen in AD 33. This was the main event of history, this is plan A, this was the Alpha and the Omega plan. The garden of Eden was not plan A, and Mosaic covenant was not plan B, and the New Covenant was not plan C and the end times was not plan D and the New Millennium was not plan E. Jesus Christ Finish works is the main event, is the Alpha and the Omega plan, is Plan A!!!!!
In AD 33 was Pentecost and the sending of the Holy Spirit, the beginning and full outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus the Living Word the Son of God the Second person of the Godhead had no beginning and has no end, but nine months before AD 01 Christ took on mankind as the Son of man. HE is both 100% present God and Man the Word became Flesh and dwell among us. He is the Last Adam!!! But before that John the Baptist was in the womb of his mother. He is the forerunner of Christ and Jesus is the Christ Son of God, the womb of John Mother and Mary womb are the beginning of the transition from the Mosaic covenant to the New Covenant, and in AD 01 was the birth of the new beginnings the birth of Christ and in AD 33 was finish works of Christ and establish of the new covenant and the Kingdom of God. The complete transition was fulfilled in AD 70.
Now what is the Truth of AD 33? You been born again since AD 33. You been wash in the Blood of Jesus since AD 33. You been saved since AD 33. You been redeem since AD 33. You been forgiven since AD 33. All your sins past, present, future and always are forgiven since AD 33. You have been the righteousness of God in Christ since AD 33. You been seated with Christ since AD 33. You been in the soaking presence of God since AD 33. You been in a open heaven since AD 33. You been in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit since AD 33. You been in revival since AD 33.
Today it is your response, it is the divine response of the Holy Spirit, He gives you the inspiration of faith to believe in Christ, faith is a gift of God.
Seated in Christ
You are in two places at once, you are here for real, but you are seated with Christ for real, you need to awake to this realty that you are really seated with Christ, meaning you fully depend and fully trust in the finish works of the Cross, when Jesus said it was finish it was finish. Its time to rest on what Christ has done for you. –(Eph. 2:6:
When Christ ascended you ascended, and when Christ enter into the Most Holy Place and the Throne Room of God, you enter in, and when Christ was seated on His Throne next to God the Father you were seated with Him. You been seated with Christ since AD 33, awake to this realty!!!
When you come to Christ, you enter into His rest and you are seated with Him in the Throne room of God. Rest from what you may ask? Rest from the works of Torah.
When you enter into rest, you enter into the rest of Christ, you cannot have peace until you have rest in your soul. When you enter into rest you relax in Him in His grace and finish works. When you enter into rest, then the peace of God fills your life, you have rest when you enter into rest, meaning you fully trust in Christ’s finish works. You have peace when you fully understand who your God is and you trust Him with everything, you surrender to the understanding that God is your God. You have peace for the reason you have rest of Christ you fully trust in the finish works of Christ.
When Christ was seated He begun His reign on earth, it was the beginning of the Kingdom of God on earth, thus begin your reign with Him, you reign in Christ, when you enter into rest, you begun to reign with Him. You reign with Him by the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.
Since AD 33 you been in the presence of God, the soaking presence of God, you need to fully awake to the knowledge you have been already in the presence of God, you have been the glory of God, you have been in revival, you have been in the drunken of the Spirit, and when enter rest, you enter into rest of His presence, so relax and enjoy His presence, soak in the rest of His presence all the time.
When you enter into rest, you have rest for your soul, you rest in your life, this is when you fully trust in the finish works of Christ. You have peace for Jesus is in prefect peace for His mind is stayed on God the Father, therefore your mind has the peace of God, and you surrender to your God and trust Him for everything, when you are in the rest of Christ, you are in the presence of God, soaking presence of God, you are in revival, you are in soaking revival, so in rest relax in His presence and enjoy God.
When Christ was seated next to the Father you were seated with Him, not only you are seated with Christ, you are seated with Him, so now you have best of relationship and best of fellowship with the Trinity.
Identity in Christ
Renew your Mind the Truth who you are in Christ, do not think outside of who you are in Christ, renounce thinking outside of who you are in Christ. When Christ die you die, when Christ was buried you were buried, when Christ rose you rose, and when Christ ascended you ascended, and when Christ enter into rest you enter into rest and when Christ was seated on His Throne next to God that Father you were seated with Him. You are seated with Christ, you are a new creation in Christ, you are the righteousness of God in Christ, and are from Last Adam and you are the Temple of God; this is reality, this is a fact, awake to the knowledge of your Identity in Christ. –(Col. 2:12, 1 Cor. 1:30)
You are a New Creation, you are Justified, you are complete in Christ, you have access to God through the Holy Spirit, and you are a saint.
You are God’s Workmanship, you are hidden with Christ in God, you are free forever from condemnation, and you are united with the Lord.
You are a minister of Reconciliation for God, you are assured that all things work together for your good, and you are brought with a price and belong to God.
You are God’s Temple, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, you are Established, Anointed and Sealed with God, and you are Seated with Christ in the Heavenly Place.
You are a Member of Christ’s Body, you have been Adopted as God’s Child, you are God’s Fellows Worker, and you are a Branch of the True Vine.
You have been Chosen and Appointed to Bear Fruit, you are the salt and Light of the Earth, you are a personal Witness of Christ’s, and you are a Citizen of Heaven.
You have not been given a spirit of fear, but of Power, Love and a Sound Mind, you have been Redeemed and Forgiven, you are free from any charge against you, and you cannot be separated from the Love of God.
You may approach God with freedom and confidence, you may find grace and mercy in time of need, you are Confident that the good work God has begun in you will be perfected, and you are Christ’s friend.
Who are you in Christ? Blessed of the Father, chosen generation, elect of God, follow heirs, joint heir with Christ, redeemed of the Lord, royal priesthood, and more.
If you want victory confess who you are in Christ for a month and see what happens to you, if what you think of yourself is not what the Word says, change your thinking, and then your life will change.
Great Forgiveness
When Christ said it was finish it was finish, He forgive all your sins past, now and in the future, He took sin, and sinful nature and all sins to the Cross, not only your sins are forgiven He took your sinfulness to the Cross, your sinfulness die in Christ, buried in Christ, and when He rose you rose to the newness of life, and you are a new creation in Christ. – (Jn. 19:30)
Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, He took away your sins in AD 33, and what sins do you have? Where are your sins now? He took them away, they are gone, not only He took away your sins; He took away your sinful nature.
You have the forgiveness of sins past, present and always your sins are already forgiven, before you were born your sins are forgiven, believe now in the forgiveness of sins in Christ. – (Acts 13:38-39)
You have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, Jesus paid in full the cost of salvation, you are not saved now, you were saved at the Cross of Christ, your salvation is based on the finish works of Christ, all your sins are forgiven based upon the shedding of the Blood of Jesus. Jesus does not forgive you each time you make a mistake, He forgive all your sins in AD 33, Jesus got you covered in the Blood of Jesus, you been covered in the Blood of Jesus since AD 33.
The diffidence between God and man is when God forgives He forget, not that He has a memory problem, but that through the Blood of Christ fulfilled the requirements for the forgiveness of sins. I believe God is the God of second chance, but guess what every time you make a mistake it is your first time since He chosen not to remember your sins never and no more through the Blood of Jesus, but not only that He forgive all sins already, you are only dealing with your conscience. – (Heb. 8:12, 10:17)
Christ die for the forgiveness of sins and the remission of sins, and when you believe in Him and come to Him and give your life to Him, you have receive the remission of sins, which means all sins of past, present, and future.
Confession has more to do with confession of faith, confession of Christ, confession of who you are in Christ, what Christ done for you, and what you believing Him for, then the confession of sins, confession only have a small percent dealing with confession of sin.
So do you confess your sins today? Yes you do confess your sins, but not for the forgiveness of sins, but for clearing of your conscience and renouncing things that are not according to the new creation.
But the only time you confess yourself as a sinner is when you come to Christ, and you receive the remission of sins, after that you are no longer a sinner. But in the Mind of God you were no longer a sinner since AD 33. You are only a sinner because of your unbelief in which Christ is.
Not only did Christ take away and forgiven all your sins, He took the sinful nature to the Cross, what sinful nature? He took it away; you are a new creation in Christ.
When you come to Christ you only confess you are a sinner so that the sinner and that the sinful nature can be a indentify with the Cross of Christ.
Accepted in The Beloved
Every child wants to hear from their Father you are accepted, in Ephesians Chapter one is God’s love and purpose for you, this is a chapter in the Bible that stands out and you can compare this chapter with Genesis one, John one for these chapter talks about beginnings, and Ephesians chapter one is about beginnings, purpose, destiny and God’s love for you.
AD 33 Jesus finish works are God’s plan A, is Alpha and Omega plan; that is God’s will was to send Jesus the begotten Son to die and redeem you and bring you into union with Him through Christ.
He chose you and made plans for you, and did all these things in love, yes that is the key in love, God is love and you are the focus of His love.
When the Father sees you He sees Christ, God the Father said Jesus is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, therefore you are in Christ, you are His beloved son and He is well pleased with you.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the election of God, He is the elected and the election of God, and you are in Christ then you are the elect in Christ and partaker in His purpose and His destiny. Jesus purpose and destiny is one of glory and in Christ you partake in it.
You are holy, you are without blame, you are predestined, you have adoption, you are of His good pleasure of His will, you are of His will, you are of His purpose, you partake in His inheritance, and that is right you have inheritance based on the finish works of Christ.
You have been redeem; you have redemption in Christ, and you have the forgiveness of sins. There is nothing you undo or break the finish works of Christ, when He said it was finish, it was finished.
You are accepted based upon the Blood of Jesus Christ, and the finish works of Christ. You are accepted to Christ for He forgive you once and for all, you are accepted to God the Father since Christ paid in full the price of redemption, you are forever accepted to God the Father, you are accepted to the Holy Spirit since you are wash, clean, and covered in the blood of Jesus. You are accepted to the Trinity for Christ brought you into holy union through His blood and therefore you are now a part of the family of the Trinity. You are accepted to the beloved, the Church, the Body of Christ, for Head of the Church, the Head of the Last Supper accepted you as His family in the Trinity and His Church.
To be accepted means to be blessed, favored, and giving a seated of favor and honor among the church and all must see and know that you have been giving a position of honor.
When Christ ascended you ascended, when Christ was seated on His Throne you were seated on His Throne, you are seated with Christ.
Receive God is Love
He chose you and made plans for you, and did all these things in love, yes that is the key in love, God is love and you are the focus of His love.
Who is God, God has no end and no beginning, God was and always will be, God is one and He is a Trinity, and they are one. God is a family, the Trinity. They are the one, unity and union, and when you come to Christ you come into this oneness and union of the Trinity family.
God is love, love is the chief character of God, whatever He does it is in checks and balances with love.
God wants a relationship for He is a relation God, and the purpose for sending Our Lord Jesus Christ was to bring us into the Trinity Family.
We love Him for He love us first; We are commanded to love God with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our body, but today take a break and allow God to love you, a love break is what you need, seat back and relax and enjoy His love for you, today receive His love for you.
Say this God is Love and He loves Me, God is Love and I am love by Him, God is love and I receive His love today!!!
Enter into His rest, rest upon the finish works of Christ, surrender to the provision of God, that God is a Great God and He will take care of you, and allow His peace to fill your heart and mind, relax in His presence, soak in His presence, and receive His love.
In the Epistle of Ephesians you hear and see the words in love, this is the key that He did all things in love for you, for He loves you.
Nothing is able to separate you from the love of God in Christ, these means nothing can separate you from His love for you, and His manifestation of His love for you and His outpouring of His love for you. –(Rom. 8:39)
He has love you and is loving you with everlasting love, His love is not in a season but is everlasting, His love toward you does not change, with loving kindness He leads you, guides you, teaches you, drawn you.
In Genesis God is love, in Moses covernant God is love, in the Gospels God is love, in Acts God is Love, in Church History God is love, in the New covenant God is Love, in your life now God is love, and in the end times God is Love, in the New Millennium God is love, and in eternal God is love!! Why God is love past, present, and always and future? A.D. 33 Christ lay His life down for us, He is the Lamb of God that takes away our sins, where are your sins now, your sins are no more, Christ took them to the Cross. When He die on the Cross you die, when He was buried you were buried with Him, when He rose you rose with Him, when He ascended you ascended, when He was seated down on His Throne you seated down in Christ. This all happen in AD 33. This was the main event of history, this is plan A, this was the Alpha and the Omega plan. The garden of Eden was not plan A, and Mosaic covenant was not plan B, and the New Covenant was not plan C and the end times was not plan D and the New Millennium was not plan E. Jesus Christ Finish works is the main event, is the Alpha and the Omega plan, is Plan A!!!!!
Now relax and receive His love!
Contend for the Grace
We are in the third reformation of the church and the gospel of this reformation is radical grace, and the Lord show me the gospel in the first two reformation was grace and the future two reformation the gospel of grace will be there gospel, not everyone wants to follow the will of Christ for the church, He is the Head of the Church and we all must follow Him.
Today attackers of grace are no different then the attackers of the first reformation gospel of grace beginning with our Lord at the last supper and the book of Acts and Paul’s teaching, even some in the church at that time attack the gospel that Apostle Paul preach which was the gospel of grace. Apostle Paul was the Apostle of the Gospel of Grace and the Apostle of the New Covenant. Even the attacks of the second reformation had the same spirit that the attackers today have it is a spirit of religion.
Why are they attacking the Grace Gospel today? Many of those attackers have been raise in a form of legalism and can’t believe God is so much grace. It is from the unbelief from their heart and the hardened of their heart through the sin of legalism and unbelief.
The only cursed spoken in the New Testament is about those that bring a different gospel and that gospel is the gospel of legalism and unbelief in the true gospel, it is not that God bring the cursed, but that gospel is not a blessed, and God wants to remove and heal the church of that gospel.
In Romans Eight verse One its says there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus but the ones copying this from early writings could not believe God was that good to us so they had to had the second part saying who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit, see even they could not believe in the goodness of the Gospel of grace and its same today with attackers of today’s Grace Gospel.
The next issue that these attackers have is that they want to stay in the sinful conscience and they want us to still believe in the sinful nature of Adam, and they don’t want to Identity in Christ with the finish works, the death, buried, and His raising. If you don’t want to believe in your Identity in Christ then still believe your old sinful nature is still alive and still believe you are not a new creation.
These attackers really have not study the grace gospel and don’t really know what they are saying, they are saying stuff off the top of their heads and even making things up and even outright lying.
The best wine is save for the last God has brought such restorations to the Body of Christ, and now we are in a restoration of the Gospel of radical grace, and this wine like others wines will mature over time.
The Apostolic Prophetic movements will come into union with Grace Gospel and there will come a great awakening to the Church and a great extreme outpouring of signs and wonders.
The Will of Christ from each of the five reformations of the church is to establish the church in the gospel of grace.
Foundation of Grace
The will of Christ is for the Church to be establish in the Gospel of Radical Grace, each person God wants us to have happy life and that is fruit of the Gospel of Radical Grace, let your roots grow deep and let yourselve grow deep and grow strong in the Gospel of Radical Grace. –(Rom. 16:25)
The Church needs a strong foundation of the Gospel of Grace, and every person needs a solid foundation in the Gospel of Radical Grace, it is time to renew your mind to the gospel of radical grace through first of the Holy Spirit and second hearing Grace and Truth.
The Gospel of Paul the Apostle was the Gospel of Grace and we need to drink unlit we are drunk with grace, we all need a tall glass of grace, for from that glass will come signs and wonders.
Paul was the Apostle of The New Covenant and the New Covenant was establish in AD 33, but you need to establish the New Covenant in your hearts.
What is the Gospel of Radical Grace? It is the belief in total resting in the finish works of Christ.
Truths and teachings and practices that follow Radical Grace need to be balance with grace, but grace is not to be balance with those truths. It is from your reborn heart these truths flow from and you flow upon that river. Grace cannot be balance. Grace cannot be mix with other truths.
Grace is like a Christmas Tree, I mean a real green tree that is not cut down, but grow from the Blood of Christ, and this tree is the only and first nature green tree that you see with your eyes of faith, which the Holy Spirit give you the gift of faith.
The things you hang on this tree are truths, teachings, practices such as faith, prayer, practice the presence of God, discipleship, deliverance, inner healing, signs and wonders, healing the sick, spiritual warfare, praying in the Spirit, revival, church government, and much more.
At the foot of this tree and around this tree are gifts from God the Father, gifts from God the Son, and gifts from the Holy Spirit. You have all these gifts are for the reason of His Grace.
The Seed which this tree came out from was the Seed of Christ, and the seeds of this tree are you all planted around the world. We are trees planted by the Lord.
This tree is the Gospel of Radical Grace, the finish works of Christ, and the Cross of Christ. But much more grace is a person, and that person is Jesus.
Grace and Holiness
When did you get saved? You got saved in AD 33. Who saved you? Jesus Christ on the Cross!!!! Today you only response and enter into the rest of Christ.
You are saved by grace alone!!! You are not saved by good works, you are not saved by keeping the Ten Commandments, you are not saved by being a good person, you are not saved by living a holy life, you are no saved by going to the right church, you are not saved by your family, you are not saved by your race, and you are not saved by good doctrine.
You are holy for one reason only by the blood of Christ, and finish works of Christ and that on the Cross and gave your sinful nature die and was buried, your sinful nature is no more, you are a new creation, sin is no longer apart of you. You are free from your sinful nature, you are free from your sins, you are free from sin, and you have grace to overcome any sin. –(Eph. 1:4)
You are holy for you have been set apart for the purpose of the Lord, you are holy for you are His temple, and you are holy for you are a new creation in Christ.
Go and read and study and meditate and renew your mind on Romans Six know the grace and truth of your holy union with Christ, of the finish works of Christ, Identity yourself with the death, buried and resurrection, identity yourself with His ascended and entering into His rest and being seated on His Throne.
You are saved by grace alone but from your heart flows a river of the Spirit and you flow upon that river, and from the river flows a holy life, good words, good deeds, devotional, prayer, ministry, signs and wonders, revival, giving, fellowship, and love.
Grace not only saves you, grace removes and burns up all sin, and empower you to live a holy life, and to walk supernatural, and to have divine heath, and divine prosperity.
Its is through the abundance of Grace and the gift of righteousness we reign in this life, reign in our life, reign in peace, reign in being a witness, and reign over all things and its by grace we can overcome anything we may face.
The confession of faith has more to do with what Christ did for you, who you are in Christ, what you believe in Him, what you are believing for, and what He done for you, then it does with confessing sins, only a small percent of the time in the written word confession deals with sin, for Christ already forgive you of your sins, so when you confess today you confess not for forgiveness but to renounce sin.
We overcome by the Blood of Christ, the Confession of Faith, and Identity yourself with the death, buried and resurrection of Christ, and faith and grace.
Born To Love
When you are born again you are born of the Spirit and when you are born of the Spirit you are born of God and when you born of God you are born of love, for God is love, and one of the main signs that you are born again is that a river of love flows from you. –(1 Jn. 4:7-8)
I am not saying a work of love, but a river of love flows from you and you flow upon that river, God is love and His love flows from you and you flow upon His love.
We are no saved by loving God and loving one another, but from our reborn heart the love of God flows and we flow upon that river.
Why does some have a hard time walking in love? Ether they are not born again, ether they are immature, ether that have not have proper discipleship, ether you need deliverance, or you are full of religion.
When I say waking in love I mean flowing in love from your reborn heart, I am not talking about a legalism of love but grace of love, a love that flows from grace.
At last we need a revelation of grace, we need to be establish in grace, we need to grow our roots deep in grace, we need a revelation of God is love, and we need to receive God’s love for you.
You need to know you are accepted to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and by the Blood of Jesus you are accepted by the church, and we need a fellowship where we are accepted, where we are loved, were the gospel of grace is the gospel, and apostolic prophetic teachings, soaking presence of God, and Spirit Filled church.
There is too much hate to go around that is not from God, and you need to keep hate out of your life and at the same time by grace love those who may hurt you and walk in forgiveness, and keep your heart free from unforgiveness, and bitterness.
Let God heal you from any hurt but His grace, renew your mind to His grace, and renew your mind to His rest, and renew your mind to God is love.
Born From Above
When you are born again you believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, you confess Him as Lord, you repent for being a sinner, you ask Him into your life, this was the beginning point of your life with Him. But you were not saved at that time, you were saved by Christ Alone on the Cross in AD 33.
You are saved by grace, by grace alone, HE saved you in AD 33, but today you hear the good news and the Holy Spirit inspiration and you were giving a gift of faith and you response, which I call the divine response.
The truth is that you were born again based on what Christ did, you were born again in AD 33, you just today response in faith.
Yes we must believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done for us in order to enter into the rest of Christ. –(Jn. 6:28-29)
But you are not only born again, meaning your reborn spirit, you are a new creation, you are the temple of God, your human spirit is holy, your mind is holy, your body of holy and your tongue is holy.
We are not saved by works we are saved by grace alone, but if we are born of God we have love of God.
If you are born of God you will follow Christ.
If you are born of God you will wants to hear the Written Word.
If you are born of God you will understand the written Word.
If you are born of God you will want devotional life.
If you are born of God you will want fellowship with believers of Christ.
If you are born of God you will want be in a fellowship of believers.
If you are born of God you will want live for God.
If you are born of God you will want follow your purpose in Him.
If you are born of God you will want to live a holy life.
If you are born of God you will hear those who share the Written Word.
If you are born of God you will want love God.
If you are born of God you will want love one another.
After you come to Christ you are a newborn in Christ and you need to have discipleship and milk teaching and you need a biblical fellowship.
You need to know you are accepted to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and by the Blood of Jesus you are accepted by the church, and we need a fellowship where we are accepted, where we are loved, were the gospel of grace is the gospel, and apostolic prophetic teachings, soaking presence of God, and Spirit Filled church.
Remember you are saved by grace alone, but from your heart flows a river and you flow upon that river, and from that river flows good works and good deeds.
Grace and Rest and Peace
What is grace? grace is total dependent on the finish works of Christ, It is what Christ has done for you, you did nothing, He did it all for you, He saved you He change you and He raise you up and now you are seated with Him in glory, even faith to believe, faith to response is a gift of God, this is the key to life which changes everything around you, which can change your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your community, your city, your state, your nation, and the world when you awakening and relay fully on the finish works of Christ and that it is grace alone! Once you begin to enjoy His grace everything will change and life will be better.
Every person needs to hear and be establish in the gospel of radical grace, everyone needs to enter into the open door of radical grace, to open there heart fully to the grace message, if you can’t enter into grace message you can’t enter into rest message, the Holy Spirit is calling His church into radical grace so that we can come into the rest message. –(Heb. 3:19)
Why can’t some enter into the grace message? Are they not saved? Yes they are saved, for right doctrine does no save you, but wrong doctrine leads to sin, what sin the sin of unbelief, the evil heart of unbelief, the deceitfulness of sin, and the harden of hearts. But if you don’t enter into the door of the grace message you cannot enter into rest message!
What is rest? Rest is believing and total relaying on the finish works of the Christ, yes you are seated with Christ first in AD 33 and second when you response to Him, and third when you fully relax on the finish works of Christ and believe in Christ Alone Grace Alone!!!
It is not you resting, but He enter into Rest when He ascended and was seated on His Throne, when He ascended you ascended and when He enter into rest, the rest of Christ you enter into rest and when He was seated on His Throne you were seated with Him.
Yes let us rest on Him resting on the finish works of Christ, Christ alone grace alone!!!
Its time to rest, relax in His presence, the rest of His presence and soak in Him, when you come to revelation of your resting on the finish works of Christ and that you are already seated in the Throne Room in the presence, power and glory of God, and when you relax then you begin to soak in the presence of God, and you then will begin to enjoy the presence of God. Rest, relax and enjoy the rest of His presence.
When you rest on Him resting on the finish works, and begin relax and enjoy His presence, His rest you have then rest of His presence and this rest of His presence will change everything around you, for this rest will touch everything.
Enter into rest means to fully believe in the finish works of Christ, the rest of Christ is when He ascended you ascended and when He enter into rest, the rest of Christ you enter into rest and when He was seated on His Throne you were seated with Him, the rest of His presence is relaxing and enjoy His presence while been seated with Christ.
Once you enter into rest you then can have the peace of God, you cannot have peace before you enter into rest, once you in rest you can have peace since you don’t need to worry since your resting on Him now, peace is to surrender to the ideal that our God is the Great God and that He hears your prayers and makes provision before hand for whatever you will face.
You have peace for Christ is your High Priest, when the Father sees you He sees Jesus, Jesus mind is stay on God the Father, He has prefect peace, and you have prefect peace, you have peace by grace.
When you enter into rest you are establish in your life, when you believe in rest of Christ you are establish in the Throne Room in the Third Heaven, therefore you establish in presence of God, it is rest of His presence that establish you in your life and in every area of life, then you have peace, rest is establish in peace.
Seated in the Rest
Enter into rest renew your mind in the finish works of Christ, come now and believe that you are seated with Christ, and that it is based on the finish works of Christ, when He said it was finish it was finish, and now stop looking outside of the New Covenant. –(Heb. 4:10)
You are now in two places at once yes you are here but you are also seated with Christ and this is a reality once when awake to this reality you will begin to flow in a continue soaking of His presence.
It is not you resting, but He enter into Rest when He ascended and was seated on His Throne, when He ascended you ascended and when He enter into rest, the rest of Christ you enter into rest and when He was seated on His Throne you were seated with Him.
Not only you are seated with Christ, He said seat on My Throne, How near can you get to God the Father elbow near, you now have union with Christ so you have union with God that Father, and you have union with the Holy Spirit.
You have prefect relationship now, you are in prefect fellowship now and there is no hindrance to your relationship with God and there is no hindrance to your fellowship with God.
You been in the presence of God since AD 33, you been soaking in Him since AD 33, you are in the presence of God right now, awake to this reality and relax in His Grace, His Rest, and His presence.
When Christ rose and when He ascended and when was seated on His Throne next to God the Father thus begun His reign on earth from heaven, and you also begin to reign with him, you reign is based on the abundance of grace and gift of righteousness. You are seated in the Throne Room in the Third Heaven with Christ you are reigning with Christ over all things.
Christ want you to reign in life, reign in your spiritual life, reign in the supernatural, reign in your health, reign in your mind, reign in your financials, reign in holiness, reign in favor, and reign in witness. The truth is you are reigning already but now believe you reign with Christ.
The Rest of Christ
It is not you resting, but He enter into Rest when He ascended and was seated on His Throne, when He ascended you ascended and when He enter into rest, the rest of Christ you enter into rest and when He was seated on His Throne you were seated with Him.
In AD 33 Christ enter into Rest, the rest of Christ, you been in rest in Him since AD 33, and when you come to the divine response when come into the rest of Christ.
In Genesis when God rested on the seventh day that day never came to end, every other day before that day came to end, but not the seventh day, this is eternal rest, this means that the finish works of Christ was always God’s plan for you. –(Gen. 2:1-3)
A.D. 33 Christ lay His life down for us, He is the Lamb of God that takes away our sins, where are your sins now, your sins are no more, Christ took them to the Cross. When He die on the Cross you die, when He was buried you were buried with Him, when He rose you rose with Him, when He ascended you ascended, when He was seated down on His Throne you seated down in Christ. This all happen in AD 33. This was the main event of history, this is plan A, this was the Alpha and the Omega plan. The garden of Eden was not plan A, and Mosaic covenant was not plan B, and the New Covenant was not plan C and the end times was not plan D and the New Millennium was not plan E. Jesus Christ Finish works is the main event, is the Alpha and the Omega plan, is Plan A!!!!!
Before the foundations of the earth the finish works of Christ has HIS plan for you, He chose you before the foundations of the earth to be holy and without blame in love.
You enter into rest meaning His rest before you know Him, He brought you into His rest and you enter into rest at the divine response, and you enter into the rest when believe in finish works of Christ, and you enter into rest when believe you are already soaked in the rest of His presence.
When He ascended and enter into rest and was seated with the Father on Christ Throne you were also seated with Christ, the rest of Christ.
Throne Room Rest
You Enter into rest in AD 33 with Rest of Christ, you enter into rest at the divine response, you enter into rest when you believe in the finish works of Christ, you enter into rest when you believe your in rest of His presence, and you enter into rest when you come into the Throne Room the Most Holy Place by the Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.
You must awake to the reality that your in two places at once, you are here but you are there in the Throne Room of God your rightful place in Christ, you are already soaked in the presence of God. –(Eph. 2:6)
Since AD 33 you been in the rest of Christ, you been seated with Christ, you been in the rest of His presence, you been in the presence of God, you been soaked in His presence, you been in a open heaven, you been in revival, you been in outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you been in holy intoxication, you been in power of God, in the glory of God.
Now rest, relax, surrender to the peace of God, and enjoy the presence of God, begin being soaked and become overflowing in the presence of God.
You don’t come near to Him you are already in the presence of God, it was Christ you brought you in based on the Finish Works of Christ. You are in union with Christ based on the Blood of Jesus, you have union with Christ therefore you have union with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
You are the Temple of God, the Throne Room is in the Third Heaven, and the Throne Room is in your heart and both are the same, not two throne rooms, only one, but some how you are seated with Him in the Throne Room in the third Heaven and this is also in your heart for you are in the Temple of God.
Enter into rest:
Resting in the Rest of Christ.
Resting in the Finish Works of Christ.
Resting in the Rest of His Presence.
Awake and begin to be soaked in the presence of God, begun to drink of the Spirit, you have the drink of the Spirit, begin to be drunk in the Spirit, by relaxing in the Finish Works of Christ, by relaxing in rest of Christ meaning you are seated with Christ, by relaxing in His Grace, His Rest and His presence.
Come now enter into the Most Holy Place by the Blood and relax in the rest of His presence and become soaked and intoxicated in His presence.
Rest and the Life of God
Come to His Grace, Christ Alone Grace Alone and fully believe and trust in the finish works of Christ, and even your faith is a gift of God. Relax that you saved by Christ Alone Grace Alone!!! Be set free from the mix gospel of grace and works, it is not grace unless its grace alone. Pure grace is without works and deeds of religion, pure grace is only grace and nothing else.
You enter into rest when you fully believe when you fully trust, when you say there is no I in grace only Him. Enter into rest when you fully depended on Grace Alone, and you fully relay on the finish works of Christ.
Once you do, you know you are seated with Christ, you are in the presence of God, relax by fully trusting in the finish works and that you awake to the truth you are seated with Christ and you are in the presence of God, then begin becoming soaked in His presence.
Now the rest of His presence flows from your heart for you are the Temple of God and the rest of His presence goes before you and brings rest and establish peace, and the rest of His presence touches every areas of your life bring rest and establish peace.
Christ has giving you the abundance of grace and has giving the more abundantly life, and this abundance of grace is always abundance forever. –(Rom. 5:17, Jn. 10:10)
Christ want you to enjoy your life in Him, enjoy your walk with Him, enjoy your faith in Him, enjoy the life of God, and enjoy life.
It is religion that will try to steal the life away from you, kill the life of faith in you, destroy your hope for life, but Christ comes to you and from Christ comes grace and truth, grace is the source of life and truth is foundation of life, that truth is grace.
Christ wants want you to have a future and a hope, and you partake in His destiny, so your destiny is in Christ, it is a destiny of peace, hope, life, love, and glory.
Now come to Him and He will give you rest, and when He said come to Him and He will give you rest was the call to believe in the Finish Works of Christ, but once He said it was finish it was finish, now He comes to you and gives you rest.
Open Door Always
Jesus Christ is the Door, He is the only means to salvation, He is the way, the Truth and Life toward the Father, He is the only way to eternal life, and it is only by His name men can be saved under Heaven. Jesus saved you in AD 33; He brought you into Himself that through Him you have unity, union, oneness with God. It is through the finish works you have salvation, you are saved by grace and grace alone, it is Christ Alone, and it is Grace Alone. – (Jn. 10:7)
Jesus is the open door, in Christ you always have an open door, you have been in an open heaven since AD 33, wherever you go you carry an open heaven with you; Jesus is your open heaven. Jesus is your breakthrough, you are in Christ and you already have breakthrough, for He has broken through for you in AD 33. You are in an a outpouring since AD 33, in Christ you always have outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you have been in revival since AD 33, in Christ you always have revival. Jesus Christ is your prophetic fulfillment, in Christ you always have prophetic fulfillment, Jesus Christ is your answered prayer, in Christ you always have prayer fulfillment. Jesus Christ is your favor, He has favor always with the Father therefore you have favor always. Jesus Christ is your healing, in Christ you are healed, and you always have healing, Jesus Christ is your restoration in Christ you are restored and you always have restoration.
Jesus Christ is the Door, and He is the open door, and in Christ you have always an open door, Jesus is your open door, all doors to that nations are open, all hearts are open, the door for the word is open, the door to revival is open, the door to the prophetic is open, the door to your career is open, the door to prosperity is open, the door to wealth is open, the door to the supernatural is open, and the door to signs and wonders is open.
Jesus is your breakthrough, in Christ you always have breakthrough, for in AD 33 He broken through for you and me, He broke the wall between us and His chosen people, and He broke the wall between us and salvation, and everything that comes with salvation all the blessings, He broken through the veil between us and the Most Holy Place.
Jesus is your open heaven, in Christ you always have an open heaven, wherever you go you bring with you an open heaven, When Christ ascended you ascended, When Christ enter into rest you enter into rest, when Christ was seated on His Throne you were seated, Jesus Christ is your High Priest, and He is your Mediator therefore you have an open heaven based on the Blood of Jesus and the finish works.
Jesus is your answered prayer, In Christ you have prayer fulfillment, in Christ you are the righteousness of God in Christ since you are now righteousness God hears your prayers, and your prayers avails much, Since He is your High Priest and Mediator your prayers are healed. Since God the Father hears and answerers all Jesus prayers therefore when Father sees you He sees Jesus, and you have answered prayer.
Jesus Christ is your healing, you are healed at the Cross, you have divine healed, you walk in divine healing, and you always have healing. You are of the Last Adam and He never got sick, and you can’t get sick, you are a new creation and the new creation can’t get sick, sickness was a part of the old man and the old man die in Christ on the Cross of Christ, you are the Temple of God, and the temple of God is holy and what is holy can’t get sick, you are seated with Christ and in the Throne Room there is no sickness, you can’t get sick.
Jesus Christ is your restoration, you are restored, you always have restoration, Christ brought restoration through the finish works of Christ. You have double restoration and you have sevenfold restoration in Christ.
When Christ was seated on His Throne He send the Comforter you are in Christ and you have always an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, It is for the only reason through His Blood and the finish works you will always have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus enter into rest you enter into rest, that was the eternal rest, the rest of Christ, that was the eternal Sabbath. Therefore you always have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Door, open door of outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Since you are in Christ you are in revival, since AD 33 you are in revival, When Christ enter into the Most Holy Place and was seated on His Throne Room, you also enter and was seated, you are seated with Christ in the presence of God, you always have revival.
You have all these blessings, graces, only through the Blood of Christ and finish works, Jesus is the Door, and He is the open door.
Five Groups of People
There are Five People in the Church or you can say there are five kinds of relations toward the church. Which group do you fit in and are you ready to change your ways and get into a better group of people, it is time to have a change of mind, to repent means change your mind, repent is not of word you speak from your mouth instead it is a change of mind and change of action, then repent with words from heart not for your sins to be forgiving, for your sins are already forgiving, and your nature has already been change you have a new nature in Christ, but you must renounce what is not of you no more, and in realty when you become a new creation you were never a old creation. –(Rom. 12:1-2)
The First Group of People: Those who hear but don’t follow Christ, this is many people who hear the Word, hear the Gospel, and even say the sinner prayer but never follow Christ, they may go to church, but don’t follow Christ.
The Second Group of People: Are those who are Luke warm and Cold heated and this is many people that go to Church that are Luke warm meaning they believe in the Fire of God, they believe in the passion of Christ, they believe in the devotion life but they are in comfort in Sunday faith, Sunday church, Sunday Christianity. The cold heated also go to church but are cold to the things of the Spirit.
The Third Group of People: These are people Trap into legalism, there do not understand grace, they do not have a foundation of grace, they mix grace with law.
The Fourth Group of People: These ones are Hot for Jesus, Passionate for Jesus, on fire for Jesus, but some are hot for a time and some are hot for long time. Some based there hot fire on works and human strength and Human Effort.
The Fifth Group of People: These are the group that understand grace and has a foundation in grace and there fire of God is based on the finish works and not there works. They are hot and on fire always since they based on Christ Alone.
Which group do you want to be a part of? Which group are you a part of now? How do you change groups? How do you join the Fifth Group of People?
•Establish in Radical Grace.
•Establish in Rest of Christ.
•Establish in the Soaking Presence of God.
•Establish in the supernatural lifestyle in Christ.
Behind the Veil
When our Lord Jesus Christ die on the Cross the Veil in the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom, and now there is no longer any veil between you and God. When Jesus said it was finish, it was finish! –(Matt. 27:50-53)
Our Lord Jesus Christ is your Mediator between God and man, no longer you have go to a human priest or a pastor, and you can always go right to God the Father.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is our High Priest, and He is the eternal High Priest, and in Christ we can have presence of God and enjoy all the blessings of God, and when the Father sees us He sees Jesus.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is our Intercessor and He is faithful praying for you, He is your prayer partner, He is your prayer warrior and He is praying for you all the time, you are so much and overflow with prayers of Jesus, you are so much covered in prayer.
You can come to the very Throne of room of God, by the Blood of Jesus, you can feel God and touch God and God touch you by the blood of Jesus. See Jesus is the new veil, I mean His blood is the new Veil and can come by His blood to the Throne of God.
You are already seated in the Throne Room of God in Christ; you are already in the presence of God all time.
You have union with Christ through the finish works of the Cross of Christ, and you can feel His presence all the time, and you there with Him all the time.
The Holy Spirit is in you, and He is your comforter and He is with you, you are the Temple of God and the presence of God is with you.
Come up here is an open door, Jesus is the Door, He is the Open Door, and you can come here anytime.
You are in Christ and you can have all the blessings, you can have all blessings, there is no longer anything or veil standing in your way, you have breakthrough; you have all breakthroughs in Christ.
Prosperity by Grace and Rest
You were saved in AD 33, you were not saved at your personal decision, your personal decision did not save you, and Christ saved you on the Cross in AD 33. By grace you are saved, your faith does not save you, even that is a gift of God, by grace you are saved, and by grace you walk with God, by grace you have devotion life that flows from your heart, by grace you have divine health, by grace you live a holy life, by grace you walk in the supernatural, and by grace you have prosperity. –(Eph. 2:8)
Prosperity by grace, there is a river of prosperity that flows for one reason and one reason at all it flows for the reason of grace. What is grace? Grace is the finish works of Christ.
By the abundance of grace, yes Christ has giving to every believer a abundance of grace and by the gifts of righteousness which means based on Christ and not on you, that you reign in this life, reign in your Christian life, reign in health, reign in your community, reign in and overcoming in life. –(Rom. 5:17)
Reigning in financials and reigning in prosperity by grace, and who Christ is you have a river of prosperity, a river of grace prosperity. I believe in Grace Prosperity which is prosperity by grace.
It is by the Finish Works of Christ and the Blood of Jesus that you have now by grace common wealth of Israel meaning wealth should be common to you as a believer and you have now the covenants of promise meaning you have a covenant of prosperity, and you have hope in this world meaning prosperity by grace. –(Eph. 2:11-13)
Now only you have prosperity by grace but you have prosperity by rest, the rest of prosperity, the rest of grace prosperity!!!
When Christ rose you rose, you now have prosperity, when Christ ascended you ascended, you now have promotion and you now have prosperity, and when Christ enter into rest you have rest, the rest of Christ, the rest of prosperity, you have now have prosperity, when Christ was seated on His Throne you were seated, you now have prosperity. – (Heb. 4:10)
When Christ die on the Cross poverty, debt, financial hardships, financial lack to the Cross, it is all dead, and when Christ was buried poverty, debt, financial hardships, financial lack was buried. You now have financial freedom and you now have prosperity.
Now enter into rest and from a position of rest, meaning you trust God to help you meaning you don’t need to be work wild, now you work from a position of rest, and the Lord helps you. When you enter into Rest, you then have rest establish and peace surround, and the rest of His presence bring rest in all areas of your life. God will do most of the work for you when you work from a position of trust and rest.
To be in the rest of Christ is to fully believe in the finish works of Christ and grace is the finish works of Christ. Enter into rest you are seated with Christ in the Throne Room of God, and you have prosperity now.
Since you are seated with Christ you are soaked in the presence of God, and the rest of His presence bring rest establish and peace establish in your life and you have all blessings before you, and you have all blessings in Christ, you have the blessings of prosperity. –(Eph. 1:3)
Destiny of Sons of God
What is the will of God for you and every believer in Christ? The will of God for every believer is to walk as sons of God on the earth, you are a son of God in Christ, you are now of the last Adam, you are no longer a part of the first Adam, you are no longer of the old man, old nature, you are of the new nature, you are a new creation, you are the righteousness of God in Christ, you have union in Christ, you are seated with Christ, you reign now by the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. –(JN 1:12)
Renew your mind to the Grace Message, renew your mind to grace, renew your mind to rest, and renew your mind to who you are in Christ.
You are seated with Christ, you reign now with Christ, you are soaked in the rest of His presence, you are in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and you are already in revival. You are called reign and overcome.
When you hear the good news of Jesus, the Holy Spirit came and call you into the family of God, and you obey the call to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, so those led by the Spirit are the sons of God in Christ, you have the Spirit of Adoption now, adoption meaning your rightful place as a son in God, and that you can have your inheritance, in the Old Testament we were children, but in the New Testament we are sons in Christ. Meaning our rightful place in Christ, not meaning spiritual growth or maturity, we all need to grow more in Christ but we grow from grace. We are now heirs of God, we are joined heirs with Christ, it time to enter into your inheritance.
When Christ was on the Cross that was Egypt, the old man, old nature, the first Adam, the sinful nature, is now dead in Christ, and when Christ was buried that was the wilderness, the sinful nature is dead and buried, it is no more, and when Christ rose that was the promise land, the new creation in Christ, now you are in your inheritance in Christ.
When you come to Christ you come apart of Christ destiny, Christ future, His destiny becomes your destiny in Christ, you have a future, you have a destiny, and you have a hope, for you are called according to His purpose. –(Rom. 8:28-30)
It is time to have revelation in the Knowledge of Him, to know Christ, to know the finish works of Christ, to know who you are in Christ, and to be renew in the Grace Message. –(Eph. 1:15-23)
Divine Complacency
Grace is the finish works of Christ and rest is fully trusting in the finish works of Christ. –(JN. 19:30)
Divine Complacency is having contentment only with Christ, Grace, Finish Works and Rest of Christ, being content in Christ.
Apathy is being content with the things of the world outside of the things of Christ.
In Genesis on the seventh day God made for rest that day never came to end, this is talking about the Eternal Sabbath which is the finish works of Christ and Him enter into Rest and being seated upon His Throne, The finish works was always the Alpha and Omega Plan, Plan A, Plan One!!
When you come to Christ you enter into the rest of Christ, to rest means fully trust in the finish works of Christ. You are now seated in Christ, in the presence of God, in the rest of His presence, in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you are already in revival.
When you live your life from a rest position, the rest of His presence flows from you bring rest establish and peace establish, God will work for you, He will move in every area of your life doing more work, most work for you.
Divine Complacency is resting on the finish works of Christ and soaking in the rest of His presence, and enjoying God, enjoying your life with Him, and enjoying life.
From your reborn heart flows good works, good deeds, faith and works, love, power of God, revival, and you flow upon that river. You are the good work of God, and you are the good deed of God to this world.
If you based your fellowship on your work based, you will not flow in good works, but if you based your fellowship on grace and rest, then a river of good works will flow from you.