Global Prayer Movements
By Elvis Iverson
Copyright © 2006 by Elvis Iverson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwisewithout prior written permission of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.
Printed in the United States of America
Elvis Iverson
P.O. Box 8132
Omaha, NE 68108
Supplication International Ministries
1.Global Prayer Movements
2.Pool of Intercession
3.Work of Prayer
4.Unending Prayer
5.Lord Teach Me To Pray
6.Personal Prayer
7.Corporate Prayer
8.The Holy Spirit and Your Prayer Life
9.The Throne Room
10.Prayer & The Word
11.Guidelines for Prayer
12.Tongues of Fire
13.How To Pray Through
14.Hindrances of Prayer
15.Prayer Priorities
16.How To Pray For Israel
17.How To Pray For Political Leaders
18.Pray For The Nations
19.How To Pray For Nations
20.Revelation for Warfare
21.Basic Training
22.Unity in Warfare
23.Informed Warriors
24.Praying Apostolic Prayers in Times of War
26.Soulish Prayers
27.How To Fight Witchcraft
28.Healing from Spiritual Warfare
29.How To Have A Prayer Ministry
30.Threefold Cord
1. Global Prayer Movements
We are living in a time when God will pour out the Spirit of grace and the Spirit of supplication on the Church, cities, nations and the World. We will see many prayer movements coming forth and many prayer ministries arise in this day. The Holy Spirit is calling us to pray. God want to make the Church a house of prayer again, so that he will fill the church with glory. With great moves of God, there must also be a great need for prayer to be met. What God is going to do must be covered with prayer. Those whom God will use to be leaders of the new moves of God must be covered in prayer.
We see in our time that prayer centers arise from nation to nation, from city to city. I believe as the City Church comes forth in the cities, we will see city prayer centers. Even in Jerusalem, there shall be prayer centers in all nations. And this is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
We also see prayer movements coming to cities and churches. These will bring much fruit to us. And these prayer movements will keep on growing and becoming stronger.
Even the Internet is a part of God's plan to bring people together through the Internet for prayer. I see that the Internet will be a tool for global prayer movements.
2. Pool of Intercession
The Holy Spirit is creating around the world pools of intercessions. Prayer armies are arising all over the world. The heart of prayer is being fully established in the body of Christ. He is forming 24 hours and 7 days prayer ministries to cover all and everything in prayer. In addition, he will also link these pools of intercessions together across the world. Prayer is being established for what will be coming in a near day. Moreover, those prayer communities are being train and equipped to make ready for what could and will happen in coming days. LK . 11:1
The Internet is being use as a tool to connect believers to prayer together. Prayer ministries, prayer armies are being form through this tool called the Internet. We are seeing 24 hours and 7 days cover with prayer all over the world. The Holy Spirit is building and rising up many prayer communities around the world. This is a true work of the Spirit and not of man. Ezek. 22:30-31
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Supplication is being pour upon many. Many are being called to pray. He is filling the ranks and building them up for what is coming. In addition, soon the Spirit of Supplication and Grace will pour our upon whole churches, cities, nation bringing everyone to their knees in holy prayer. There will be many and continuing manifestations of the Spirit of Supplication being pour out whole people around the world. There will be massive prayer movements that across nations and impact this world we live in. Zech. 12:10
God will rise up and build many prayer ministries, prayer movements, prayer armies and bring between them unions and alliances. God is build prayer centers in cities around the world. There will be 24/7 days worship, and prayer. He will begin the intercession, the worship, the prophetic together in these holy set centers around the world. 1 Pet. 4:7
God will rise up and build Apostles of Prayer, generals of Intercession. Anointed Mobilizing Apostles and Territorial Apostles will emerge with prophets standing next them and with their help will lead prayer armies from within cities, nations, around the world. LK. 10:19
Even in the Local Church, there is a need for a prayer ministry. Prayer Ministries must be establish in the Local Church with Anointed Prayer Coordinators. Every Intercessor within a church needs to be apart of the local church prayer ministry. In addition, they need to set one rooms aside in the church for the prayer ministry to meet on a weekly bases. Moreover, they need to have a day set aside when the whole church comes together for prayer, corporate prayer. Matt. 21:13
The Prayer Coordinators and other main prayer leaders, must be gifted intercessors, able to teach on prayer, able to lead a prayer ministry, able to flow with the leadership of the church, able to train other intercessors and prayer leaders. In addition, there should be set guidelines for all intercessions to follow. Phil. 4:8-9
Corporate prayer for church is for every member of the church. Corporate prayer should be set aside time when every member comes together to pray in unity and agreement. This should be different of the prayer time of your intercessors. During corporate prayer, it should be prayer, worship and prophetic moving within this wonderful corporate prayer meet. Matt. 18:18-20
The prayer Ministry in the Local Church will be a company of any prayer group within the church. There are intercessors that meet once a week to pray. This group is not open to church only to those who have been train in prayer and link with vision of the Church. A prayer email list for the church should be setup; this is open for any member of the Church, And Corporate prayer. They may have each a prayer coordinator with a prayer coordinator working and overseeing them all. In addition, the Prayer ministry, or one prayer coordinate will give open teaching for members to learn how to prayer and also will be their training for new intercessors, and up-to-date training for other intercessors. 1 Cor. 12:28
Moreover, we should recognize those with the gift of intercession, although one of the general roles of Christians is intercession. But there is the gift of intercession; many of you may disagree with this. However, the facts show by seeing where are there prayer warriors. If you're going to have a successful prayer ministry in your church, you better recognize the gift of intercessor! Eph. 6:18
3. Work of Prayer
We need to understand the work of prayer; yes there is a work of prayer. Until the task is done there is a work of prayer. Foremost we pray in order to fellowship with God, then beyond this we pray for his will to be done in the earth, we pray for him to fulfill his plans for us, we pray for others and our love ones, and we pray for ourselves, it is ok to pray for yourself.
When does prayer become a work of faith and grace? If you want the Lord to change the world, it takes the work of prayer. If you want the Lord to change a nation; it takes the work of prayer; if you want the Lord to change your city or a city, it takes the work of prayer. If you want the Lord to change your community, it takes the work of prayer. If you want real revival, and real reformation, it takes the work of prayer. If the Lord gives you a vision for your life, it takes the work of prayer to bring it to fulfillment.
Is there a burden that comes in order for us to pray? Yes the Lord gives us a love or will to see things change, and this too will become a burden. Pray can become a burden, and it has to become a burden, a burden of joy and love. But we carry this burden by the help of the Holy Spirit, so that we rest in the burden of joy and love.
The Work of prayer is a work of longsuffering, patience, and waiting. A work of prayer could take years, for it takes years to bring a nation to a place of change before the Lord. We must obey the prayer commission that the Lord has giving to us and be faithful to the work of prayer. Unless we fill the bowl of incense with our prayers, unless this bowl becomes filled we will not see God move on our behalf in a revival, city transformation, and nation change by the glory of God.
When I talk about the work of prayer, I am not talking about our personal needs, instead I am talking about God's needs that only through our prayers they can be meet. God's needs are revival, city transformation, reformation, national revival, massive numbers coming to know the Lord, and unity in the church. God's needs must become our needs in order to see His heart for mankind, and to see His needs fulfilled.
When we do the work of prayer, we need revelation and insight from the Lord in what to pray. The work of prayer is not a lone gunman work; it is a partnership with the Living God with vision and grace.
When we obey and work the work of prayer and if we are faithful we will become history makers. It takes not only prayer, instead the work of prayer to change histories and destinies.
4. Unending Prayer
What I been hearing is coming great rivers of intercession around the world that will flow into many nations without end. We already have such prayer and intercession going up before the Father and the Christ. These are good days we are living in. I am sure glad to be alive today. When we see much prayer over a time that tells me that good things are coming for the church and the world.
Apart from that, the Lord is saying it is time for restoration of unending prayer. It takes unending prayer to change nations, it takes unending prayer to change the destiny of nations, and it sure takes unending prayer to shape the world we live in. Yes we can change nations and change how the world is going. Beside, it takes unending prayer to begin forth-great moves of God.
Unending pray is setting a divine goal or task to pray over for years and even for a lifetime. It takes this kind of prayer that needs to be establishing in our hearts and mind to change things forever not just for a short time. Their once is was a people of God who begun to pray and that prayed over 100 years and after that God birth a mighty missionary movement.
God today is rising up a people to pray and be apart of great rivers of prayer that will never end throughout the world. At the same time He is birthing unending prayer back into the church. Prayer is worth more then all of wealth in the world for prayer is what God needs to change the world.
We need to have patience back into our prayer life. If your have patience in your prayer life you will have patience within your life. It is by faith and patience we will inherit the promises. For so long we prayed in faith instead we don't add patience. It is time to add the work of patience back into your prayer life. If we do this we will have patience in our trials and testing of our faith produces patience, and patience will have a mature work and you will become mature and complete lacking nothing. Do you hear those words you will be lacking nothing. So it is not faith alone, it is faith and patience. See Heb. 6:12, Jam. 1:2-4.
We are to add to our faith, however we have learned only faith not perseverance in our lives and in our prayer life. We need to add to perseverance to our faith. We are to not only have supplication instead we are to have all perseverance and supplication. See 2 Pet. 1:5,6, Eph. 6:18.
In addition, when we read the parable of the persistent window you can see the need for perseverance, patience and endurance in our prayer life. Men are to always pray and not lose heart. This is the kind of pray that Lord is birthing in us today. At the return of Christ will he find faith in the earth? The Lord is looking for faith in the earth today. See Luke 18:1-8.
Moreover, We are not to cast away our confidence in prayer, which has a great reward. We are to hold fast to what we believe God for in faith and hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Do you believe this? For we have need of endurance in our prayer life, so that after you have done the will of God in prayer you will receive the promises. You can see that there is a need for endurance in our prayer that in so doing we are doing the will of God that in turn we will see are prayers come to pass. See Heb. 10: 23, 35, 36.
Furthermore, it is time to set long term goals in your prayer time in praying for those nations, and people groups that Lord laid upon your heart. Have you set a ten-year task to pray for a certain nation?
5. Lord Teach Me To Pray
Today there are many who say it is hard to pray, it is hard to have a prayer life, and I don't know how to pray. One of the most needed things that a believer should know is how to pray. We need to study the Word on prayer, we need to read anointed books on prayer, and we need to fellowship with those who have a prayer life, so that we may learn from them.
Above all, you can ask the Lord to teach you how to pray; you can ask the Lord to lead you in your prayer life. The keys to a wonderful prayer is praying to the father in Jesus name, entering into Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, praying the Word of God, praying for others and praying for the lost, praying in the Spirit, and filling your prayer time with praise and worship. Above all, it is whom you are praying to, that is the key to prayer.
Many people have a hard time praying to the Lord; have a hard time having a prayer life. One reason that many lack vision for their life and vision for prayer; we need to know the Word on prayer, and that the Lord hears your prayers. Beside, if you have a vision for your life, and know your purpose you will become a person who loves to pray.
Now there is a spiritual side why people have a hard time praying. There may need deliverance and freedom from demons, and to be set free from false teaching. It may not be major false teaching, but it is the little lies that we believe in that can hurt us too.
Yes can you have wrong understanding about prayer, this is why they need proper teaching on prayer and coming to the Lord in prayer. It is so much needed for us to learn how to pray and to become persons of prayer.
The last reason for not having a prayer life is for the reason we are lukewarm and we need to repent of our lack of love toward the Lord and become on fire again, cast down idols of our hearts that Lord again will be number one in our lives.
6. Personal Prayer
Every Born Again Christian should have a prayer life. Prayer is not only just for Pastors or the Intercessors. Although there is the ministry of prayer, there are those called to the ministry of prayer, there are those called to be an Intercessors, they have the gift of the intercessor. I believe there is a gift of the intercessor. At the same time every one is called to intercession. There are callings and gifts, but then there are the roles of a Christian. The name Christian means to be like Christ. We need to be like Christ in his nature and also in his power.
The general roles of Christians are:
1. Intercession and prayer, although not every one has the gift of the intercessor or are called to the ministry of prayer.
2. Witness: We are all called to win souls but not all will be an Evangelist or called to a witness ministry.
3. Giving: All Christians are called to give of their money, and time, etc. But not all have the gift of gifting.
4. Healing the sick: All Christians are called to pray for the sick but not all have the gifts of healing, or the ministry of healing.
5. Casting out demons: All Christians are called to cast out demons, but not all have deliverance ministry.
God is calling in this time a revival of prayer in our lives. One-way that we are not going to have a secret life of sin, is that we are giving that life over to Jesus our Lord. Our secret life should be one of prayer. I believe we need a personal life of prayer.
Some of you say, I don't know how to pray. To learn how pray it is more better then going to college. If you know the Word, you should know how to pray. Just begin to fellowship everyday with the Lord. Enter into thanksgivings, praise and worship, then begin to cover every area of your life in prayer. For the next 12 week I believe God is calling for a prayer revival, this revival will begin with each one of us in our personal time with the Lord.
In your personal time with God, I ask each one of you to write a list each day during the week. On Monday you pray for stuff listed for Monday to pray for, then do this for every day. So the Monday list, Tuesday list, webneday list, Thursday list, and Friday list and Saturday list, and Sunday list. So when you enter into your prayer thank God, praise Him, and Worship the Lord, then pray the day list. This will help you in your prayer life.
7. Corporate Prayer
God is calling us to pray 12 weeks at a time. God want each one of us to have a person prayer revival in our lives. Personal prayer is praying one on one with the Lord, it is also praying with others in a personal level. But corporate prayer is not only your local church prayer ministry but also the local church coming together in prayer. Those who are pastors I am asking you to hold corporate pray meeting for your local church during this month.
There is power that comes from God when we coming together in prayer. When we come agreement and unity in prayer. The Bible say in Matthew 18:18-20 that The Lord will be in our midst as we pray in agreement. The Bible also says in Leviticus 26: 7-8 talk about when we come into agreement it will be more powerful them being by our selves.
How do you have a corporate prayer meeting in your local church? You need a leader for a corporate prayer service it can be the pastor or a prayer leader of your local church prayer ministry. Then you make an outline for your corporate prayer service and on that outline list we cover in the prayer service. But in outline allow for freedom. Then ask each person that comes to the service to pray for one thing on that list.
God is calling us to pray, in our personal life and corporate life. Let us obey the call to pray in this time.
8. The Holy Spirit and Your Prayer Life
The Bible says in the book of I Corinthians 13:14 that we can have communion with the Holy Spirit. What is communion with the Holy Spirit? 1. The presence of the Holy Spirit. 2. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit. 3. You and the Holy Spirit are sharing together. 4. Participation with the Holy Spirit. Saints we can do this, this is God's will for each one of us. We can have communion with the Holy Spirit individually. Also we can have communion on a corporate level.
We must learn to have communion at an individual and corporative level. We must learn to have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. We must learn to hear His voice and to develop sensitivity and reverence. We also need to learn to praise the Holy Spirit. Some people think you can't praise the Holy Spirit or worship Him. But in the book of Psalm it says praise God a lot of the times. And the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. Do you love the Holy Spirit? We must learn not to quench Him or grieve Him, so many of us and so many of our churches have limited the Holy Spirit in a box. And at the same time those churches also have God's people in a yoke of bondage. So wherever you see the Holy Spirit in "Box Church" you will see at the same time many yokes of bondages. Where the Holy Spirit is Lord there is Liberty. Where the Spirit is Lord there is release. There is release from sins. There is release from debts. There is release of gifts. There is release of blessings. There is release of wealth. Make the Holy Spirit Lord in your Church and life!
The Holy Spirit is your Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby and Teacher. Let the Holy Spirit comfort you today. Let the Holy Spirit teach you today. He is here for you!
The Holy Spirit helps us, aids us, and bears us up in our weakness. And one of our weaknesses is prayerlessness. Many Christians have a hard time to pray or don't pray at all. The Holy Spirit is your prayer partner. He will teach you how to pray. He will lead you in your prayer- time. He will ask you to pray for others that you don't know. He will help you to pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a prayer life. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you healthy prayer times. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to pray!
9. The Throne Room
The Foundational Scriptures are Hebrews 4:16, 10:19, 11:6. We need to understand and apply the Throne Room Principle in our Prayer Life and we will have success in our prayer life. Every time I pray, I say, "I enter into the throne room by the Blood of Christ." This really gives us victories in our prayers every time and Divine Protection. And at the end of my prayer time, I cover my prayer by the Blood of Jesus. Through entering by the Blood, we end our prayer times with the Blood.
When we pray and enter into the Throne Room, you must see yourself in the Throne Room by faith. In reality, it is when we enter by the Blood of Jesus we are already in the Throne Room. This reality brings the presence of God into you prayer time and brings revelation from God.
We need to have faith in the Blood of Christ. You should write down and study all promises about the Blood of Christ and begin to say "yes and amen" to those promises while you are in prayer.
When we enter the Throne Room, we see the Father's throne-- "The Throne of Mercy" calling out to him saying "Abba Father" and all the spirits and any form of fear will leave you and your soul will begin to be healed before Him. Then you should turn to your Lord Jesus Christ who is on the "Throne of Grace" and ask him for grace and mercy. See your need for grace and you will have grace at that moment. We need to seize the moment in our prayer times. Now lets talk about the Holy Spirit in our prayer times. This Holy Spirit is our "Throne of love" that is in each one of our hearts" The Holy Spirit will aid us in our prayer times.
10. Prayer & The Word
God hears our prayers; you must believe that God hears your prayers. He hears your prayers for the reason of the Blood of Christ and that you are Born of the Spirit. We can come to God anytime through faith. Build your faith and confidence in prayer, by knowing the Word and by praying faithfully. (Heb. 10:19)
I have heard from more then one, and more then a few that a person does not know how to pray. If you know the Word, you will know how to pray, for prayer is praying God's Word, which is the Bible. Then there are those who know the Word, but don't have a good prayer lives, see they think they know the Word; their knowledge is head knowledge, instead of much needed heart knowledge. Another reason why people have a hard time being faithful to pray is that they lack vision for their life. If you want vision, you better ask God. Beside, we need vision for our prayer life too, that will come through the knowledge of what the Word says about prayer and that God hears you. We need to become passionate in love with the Lord and to have a passionate love for prayer. It is all work of grace in us. (Hosea 4:6)
Prayer and the Word of God, which is the Bible goes hand in hand. Learn to pray the Word in your time of prayer. Based your prayers to the Lord on the Word, before you pray write down the Scriptures so that all things are cover with the Word of God. (Eph. 6:17)
The bible is full of promises that the Lord has promised, we only need to put prayer to them, asking and believing in the God who cannot lie and He is always faithful, He is always faithful to His Word and to His promises that He has made for us; For all of God's promises are yes and amen to us. (2 Cor. 1:20)
When we pray God's words we are to fill our prayer time around the praying of the Word with praise, not only praise, instead with high praise. Not only pray God's Word beside, praise Him for His goodness and for your prayers that will come to pass. (Psa. 149:6)
In Psalm 119 is a prayer being prayed to the Lord saying according to your Word let it be done unto me. When things don't go as plan, and it seems everything is out of control stand on the Word in prayer and believe God to change those things around you for your good and for His glory.
If we stand on the Word, if we believe in the Word, if we can apply the all powerful unchangeable Word of God to our life, we will see our life change before our very own eyes, we will see the desires of our heart and goodness of the Lord come to fulfillment. (Jn. 15:7-8)
It is the will of the Lord that you bear much fruit that you bear much fruit in your prayer life, and by the fruit that you bear through your faith in the Lord, that the Father is glorified. (Jn. 15:7-8)
If we pray God's word, we pray God's will, for God's word is His will, and if you pray His Word, which is God's will then you will have that which you ask for. (1 Jn. 5:14-15)
11. Guidelines for Prayer
1.Pray according to the Word for God, He hears His word. Those who know God's word will know how to pray. Prayer is praying in accordance with God's word, the Bible. (1 John 14-15)
2. Pray to the Father in the name of Jesus. ( John 16:23-24)
3. Pray with faith for God responds to faith. ( Mk. 11:24 )
4. Fill your prayer time with thanksgiving, praise and worship. ( Psa. 100)
5. When you pray, don't stop praying until God fills you with peace. ( Phil. 4:6-7)
6. When you enter your prayer time, access the throne room by the Blood of Christ. ( Heb. 10:19)
7. When you pray, make your requests specifically known unto God. ( Phil. 4:6)
12. Tongues of Fire
Our Prayer Language was giving through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is one of the most needed weapons for a life of the supernatural. We need to rediscover the truth of praying in the Spirit. When we do rediscover again the power of speaking in tongues we will see the fire and power of Acts again. (Acts 2:1-4)
However, Traditional Pentecostalism once was a foundation of the truth of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is no longer walks in a solid application and practical truth of this most needed truth. If praying in the Spirit edifies yourself then in turn you can edify the church.
Speaking in tongues should no longer be a mystery to us. Once when we discover the mystery of tongues we will see the great outpourings of the Holy Spirit that will be greater then the ones in the beginning.
Praying in the Spirit will help your prayer life. Praying in the Spirit will help you pray for the nations better and more. Praying in the Spirit will help you change your nation. Praying in the Spirit will help you in spiritual warfare. Praying in the Spirit will help you to hear God better. Praying in the Spirit will help you live a Victories and overcoming Christian life. Praying in the Spirit will help you walk in the gifts of the Spirit. Praying in the Spirit will help you walk in your gifts and calling. Praying in the Spirit will help you to have revelation.
The Benefits of the Holy Prayer Language:
1. When your praying in the Spirit you will have edification. (1 Cor. 14:4)
2. When you pray in the Spirit you will speak mysteries. (1 Cor. 14:2)
3. You can worship God through praying in the Spirit. (1 Cor. 14:15)
4. When you pray in the Spirit you pray beyond your understanding. (1 Cor. 14:14)
5. Speaking in Tongues are for a sign. (1 Cor. 14:22, MK. 16:17)
6. The Holy Spirit helps you pray better when you pray in the Spirit. (Rom. 8:26)
7. When you pray in the Spirit the Holy Spirit prays through you. (Rom. 8:26)
8. When you pray in the Spirit you pray the perfect will of God. (Rom. 8:26-27)
9. When you pray in the Spirit you are building your faith up. (Jude 20)
10. When you pray in the Spirit you are giving rest. (Isa. 28:11-12)
11. When you pray in the Spirit there is a refreshing happening in you from the Holy Spirit. (Isa. 28:11-12)
12. When you pray in the Spirit you stir up the gifts inside you. (2 Tim. 1:6-7)
Beside, before you pray in the Spirit you can ask the Holy Spirit to pray about something before you pray in the Spirit. Also you can ask the Holy Spirit to pray anything He wants you to pray about. In addition, you can ask the Holy Spirit after you prayed in the Spirit to show you what you prayed for so you can pray in understanding and thank Him. (1 Cor. 14:13)
Have you receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit yet? Do you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit? If you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit you just ask the Father in Jesus name. You may have to seek the Lord for a while but don't give up. (LK. 11:5-13)
Furthermore, there is a connection between praying in the Spirit and the power of God. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit you receive power from on high and at the same time you receive holy tongues. We need to walk and move forth in this connection between praying in the Spirit and walking in the power of God. (Acts 1:8, LK. 24:49)
13. How To Pray Through
How to pray through? Some of us pray at least 5minues a day, or some of you pray at least 15minutes a day. And some pray an hour a day. It doesn't matter how long you pray, but as long as you pray through. I am going to tell you how to pray through in your pray life. I believe breakthroughs are going to happen to those who obey.
1. We must come to God with our requests, and those requests must be known. Pray your requests by the Word and the Bible. Then pray for those in Christ that you are to cover each day in prayer. Then pray for the unsaved ones around you.
2. With each prayer request make sure you add thanksgiving. Don't just pray but also thank God. We must fill our prayer time with thanksgiving, praise and worship.
3. Cast out all worries and we need not to worry no longer. Worry never does anything for us.
4. Enter into the time of praying in the Holy Spirit. Pray in the Holy Spirit till you feel released in prayer. At this time the Peace of God with flood your soul.
5. The Peace Of God is a sign that you have pray through. But this peace is not just for an outward peace, but an inward peace in your soul. And this is the time where spiritual changes come into your life.
6. At this time we learn to listen to the voice of the God, the Holy Spirit could speak to you in this time. For the reason it is easier to hear from him for the reason that the peace of God has filled your soul.
7. After God has spoken to us, we can then enter into a time of worship; but just don't leave prayer time now. The best is yet to come. God wants us to touch him, and feel him. This will happen in our prayer time. Don't just wait until Church Time. For now faith is.
Phil. 4:6-7, Isa. 28:11-13, Isa. 66:7-11.
14. Hindrances of Prayer
There are hindrances in our prayer life that we need to overcome and face. We will overcome these obstacles by the Blood of Jesus. Yes the Blood is the key to overcome these hindrances in prayer. We must know that we come to God by the Blood of Jesus. We are righteous by Jesus Christ. By his blood we are righteous, for his blood justifies us. We are not righteous by our works or deeds or how good we have been. This truth overcomes our hindrances in prayer.
The Second way in dealing with the obstacles that we face in prayer is to deal with these hindrances head on. I am going to list these hindrances of prayer.
1. Unforgiveness is one of the major hindrances to prayer. Matt. 11:25-26
2. If you have sin in your heart. 1 Pet. 3:12
3. If you don't dwell in understanding and honor with your mate. 1 Pet. 3:7
4. You prayed a prayer of amiss, which is based upon your lusts and not God's Word the Bible. Jam. 4:2
we must face these obstacles and overcome them in order to see God move in our prayer life.
15. Prayer Priorities
Pray must become a way of life for us, prayer must become a lifestyle, and prayer must become a passion of love, prayer must be our burning desire, and prayer must be a characteristic of our life in this world.
There are priorities on the heart of God that we must try to see with the Holy Spirit insight; these priorities are God's prayer priorities for his people to pray always in their prayers.
Many of us might not know what to pray always; some of us pray prayers based on me, I and self, which is not bad not at all. The Lord desires to take care of us and our needs and even beyond those however, the Lord know your needs, and what is the desires in our hearts before we ask, and still He wants us to ask Him.
Beyond this God has giving certain prayer priorities that will begin a foundation of going beyond our needs and desires and entering into His desires for us to pray them forth in the earth.
Prayer Priorities:
1. Pray for Jerusalem, Israel and all the Hebrews. (Psa. 122:6)
2. Pray for all those in authority. (1 Tim. 2:1-2)
3. Pray for unity in the Church. (Jn. 17:20-23)
4. Pray for all the believers in Christ. (Eph. 6:18)
5. Pray for the suffering Christians. (Heb. 13:3)
6. Pray for the lost. (1 Tim. 2:4)
7. Pray for people groups, cities, and nations. (Psa. 2:8, Rev. 5:9)
8. Ask the Lord for Holy Spirit's rain. (Zech. 10:1)
9. Pray for open doors for the ministry of the Word, and that the Gospel will have freedom everywhere. (2 Thess. 3:1, Col. 4:3)
10. Pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to be poured out upon the Church. (Eph. 1:17-18, Col. 1:9-10)
16.How To Pray For Israel
Here are some prayer guidelines to help you pray for Israel:
1. Pray for God's peace for Jerusalem and Israel. (Psa. 122:12)
2. Pray for God to make Israel a great nation and pray for God to bless Israel, and make their name great. (Gen.12:2-3)
3. Pray for God to bless Israel and deliver their enemies into their hands. (Gen. 14:19-20)
4. Pray for Israel to inherit and possess the Promise Land. (Gen. 15:7)
5. Pray for God to gather Israel back to her lands and gathering Israel unto Christ their Messiah. (Jer. 16:14-16)
6. Pray for God to build the Tabernacle of David in Jerusalem and Israel. (Amos 9:11-15)
7. Pray for God to rain the Holy Spirit upon Israel and upon Jews everywhere. (Zech.10:1)
8. Pray for the Spirit of Supplication and the Spirit of Grace to be pour upon all of Israel and Jews everywhere in all Nations. (Zech. 12:18)
9. Pray for the outpouring of the Spirit, and an outpouring of visions and dreams and prophecy upon all of Israel and Jews everywhere. (Joel 2:28-32)
10. Pray for Israel for times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. And pray for times of restoration of all things. (Acts 3:19-21)
11. Pray for God to remove the veil from the hearts and minds of Israel and Jews everywhere. (Rom. 11:8-11)
12. Pray for Israel to be graft it backs into the Vine, (Jesus Christ). (Rom. 11)
13. Pray for Israel and the Church to be come one in Christ. And become one in the Body of Christ. (Rom.11)
14. Pray for Israel and Arab's everywhere to die in Christ at the cross and be resurrect in the Body of Christ, The Church. (Gen. 25:9)
15. Pray for Israel to not be in debt to any nation but to lend to many nations. (Deut.28:12-13)
16. Pray for Israel to be the head only and above only among all nations. (Deut. 28:12-13)
17. Pray for open heavens and open hearts in Israel and Jews everywhere. (Deut. 28:12-13)
18. Pray for the windows of heaven to be open up all over Israel. (Mal.3:10-13)
19. Pray for God to heal all of Israel. (2 Chron. 7:14)
20. Pray for Jerusalem to become house of prayer for all nations. (Matt. 21:13)
21. Pray for Israel become a land of running mike and honey again. (Deut. 8:7)
22. Pray for Civil Leaders that they may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence, and that they will be save and come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:1-5)
23. Pray for all rabbis across Israel to come under the Holy Spirit's leadership. (Jer. 23:1-4)
24. Pray for the Five-Fold ministry to be rising up all across Israel and come under the Holy Spirit's leadership. (Jer. 23:1-4)
25. Pray for God to raise up Apostles and Prophets in among Israel and to send Apostles and Prophets to Israel and the Middle East. (Mal.4)
26. Pray that all Israel and Jews everywhere to come to know Jesus as their Lord. (Rom.10:1)
17.How To Pray For Political Leaders
As Born-Again Christians, we are ordered by the Lord to pray for civil leaders and Political leaders. For God's Word in the Bible says " For Kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. ( 1 Tim. 2:2 ) So if we pray then we will have this blessing, but if we don't pray then we will not have this blessing. I personally pray for Political leaders at lest once a week. I feel it is my duty to pray for them, not only this is my duty as a Christian but also as a citizen. Today I give you some guidelines on how to pray for your Political leaders.
1. Pray that they will lead a quiet and peaceable life with all godliness and reverence; and that God will use those in authority to do his will in our nation. 1 Tim. 2:2
2. Pray that those in authority will be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim. 2:4
3. Pray for your Nation to make God their Lord. Psa. 33:12
4. Pray for peace and prosperity of the nation; and that God give wisdom to those in authority to aid in the wealth of the nation. And that the wealth of the sinners and gentiles will come to the church. Jer. 29:7
5. Pray for those in authority to establish the nation in justice. Prov. 29:4
6. Pray for those in Authority to deal with the poor by the truth. Prov. 29:14
7. Pray for those in authority will not to give themselves to money, sex, and power but to the Lord and his purpose in their position. Deut. 17:14-20
8. Pray for those who are in authority to hate brides. Prov. 29:4
9. Pray for those in authority not to lack understanding or to be an oppressor to their people. Prov. 28:16
10. Pray for those in authority to be established in righteousness, and that the wicked will be taken away from around them. Prov. 25:5
11. Pray for those in authority to have a multitude of godly counselors. Prov. 15:22
12. Pray for those in authority that their hearts will be in the hand of the Lord. And that God turn their hearts to his will and plans. Prov. 21:1
18.Pray For The Nations
It is not that we by our selves have a heart for the nations. It is Christ who is at the right hand of the Father who prays day and night for the nations of the world, and by the Holy Spirit we enter into such prayer for the nations.
God has giving many a burning heart to pray for nations. Some have a heart to pray for one nation, which is good in the sight of the Lord. Others have a heart to pray for many nations. What matters here is that you obey the call to pray for these nations. When you begin to pray for the nations your life will be change by the heart of Christ.
It is Christ the Intercessor of mankind and the church that prayers and makes intercession for all who live and will live. He cries out from His throne to His Holy Father save the nations, change their destinies before it is too late.
The truth is that by the Holy Spirit we can hear the cries of the Intercessor at the right of God the Father. Therefore, we can pray by the Spirit and by our understanding for the nations. The Holy Spirit is moving upon many to give them a burning and passionate heart to pray for the nations.
There are four voices that must come into unity in order to see change in many nations around the world. Three of them are already in unity, and they are waiting for the fourth voice of intercession to come into unity and pray with them.
I have personal prayed for years and hours for the nations, major cities and people groups. I am always drawing into such prayer and intercession for the nations. I cannot turn or look the other way at the leading of the Holy Spirit and the cries I hear from above makes me to only saying yes and never no.
We have power through prayer to make history. History belongs to those who obey the call of intercession for the nations. We can changes the destinies and outcome of many nations if we just obey. We can see Christ form in the cities of the world. If we ask for the nation they shall be giving to the Lord.
In addition, to pray for the Nations, cities and people groups comes by a burning passionate heart giving from Christ through the Holy Spirit to pray without yielding or rest for the nations that are on the mind of God.
Moreover, the purpose in praying for the nations is what brings us to our knees in prayer for so many hours. They are: 1. Pray for nations in order to bring changes. 2. Pray for massive souls to be harvested in Nations. 3. To change the outcome and destiny of nations. 4. That Christ will be formed in their major cities. 5. That Governments will take up the image of Christ in all their actions. 6. That the Lord heals their nations through revival. 7. That the Body of Christ will rise up in power, glory and unity in every nation.
However, pray for the nations is not a one-time thing or a seasonal thing. Praying for the nations is a lifetime and a task that takes many years. We must set our hearts and minds on those seven goals and be unending in prayer until that come to pass.
Furthermore, The Holy Spirit is looking and seeking for those who will be faithful and obey these long-term tasks in prayer and in intercession for the nations. He will give them a burning passionate heart for these nations.
19.How To Pray For Nations
I love to pray, and I love to feel God well I prayed. I remember a time when I had to first learn how to pray. We are to ask Jesus to teach us how to pray. Learning how to pray is most importation in life. God wants every one to have a holy passion to seek his face.
As my prayer life grow God give me a burden to pray for nations, cities and people groups. During the summer of 1991 it was the summer of prayer and seeking God. In addition, He gives me a prophetic ideal of a prayer army, an international prayer army. At that time I didn't know about the tool called the Internet. In the summer of 1999 God give me a dream about an open door, and in the fall the door was open to me, and to my eyes. Thus this open door was the Internet! In the fall of 1999 I begun the international prayer ministry called Prayer Force International The commission of this prayer ministry was to pray for nations, cities and people groups; a global prayer army throughout the world through the tool of the Internet.
How do you pray for the nations? I will try to give you some sample ideals and guidelines in how and what to pray for over the nations.
How To Pray For The Nations:
1. Pray for Christ to be formed into the Nations of the World. Gal. 4:19.
2. Ask God to give the Church the nations as their inheritance and the ends of the Earth as their possessions. Psa. 2:8.
3. Pray for the Nations to be saved and to bring their glory to Christ their King and Lord over all Nations and Kings. Rev. 21:24.
4. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send out labors into each of the harvest fields of the Nations. Matt. 9:37-38.
5. Ask the Lord to rain the Holy Spirit upon each nation around the World. Zech. 10:1.
6. Pray for open doors for the Word and for His Labors in each Nation around the world. 2 Thess. 3:1.
7. Pray for the Lord to move among the authorities of each Nation around the world that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence and that these authorities will come to know the Lord. 1 Tim. 2:1-4.
8. Pray for the glory of the Lord to filled each Nation around the World and that the nations of the World will be full of God's glory. Hab. 2:14.
9. Pray for God to rise up His holy kingdom of kings and priests in each Nation around the World. Rev. 1:6.
10. Pray for the Kingdoms of these Nations around the World to become the Kingdoms of our Lord. Rev. 11:15.
11. Pray for the healing of the Nations around the World. Rev. 22:2.
12. Pray for full and whole reconciliation in each Nation around the World. Ephesians.
20.Revelation for Warfare
In this spiritual war there are many battles to be won. However, our enemies are demons and fallen angels who we can't see with our own eyes, only through the Holy Spirit we can see them, and know how to take them out. (Eph. 6:12)
This is why we must not be ignorant of the demons that war against us, and their devices. We need our eyes open so we can see the wiles of the devil. There are those spiritual devices that we can see, and there are those that we can't see, that are hidden in darkness. (2 Cor. 2:11, Eph. 6:11)
This is why we should pray for revelation and wisdom; revelation to see our enemies and wisdom in how to war against them and overcome them. When demons come against us, they try to put upon us spiritual blindness, darkness, ignorant, arrogance in order that they can control us through our fears, unbelief, and the lies that we believe in, this is all called deception. (2 Cor. 4:4)
There are whole groups of people, churches, and even cities and nations that are under strong delusion, for the reason they believe in lies. This is why we need to walk in grace, truth, and light in the Word and in the Holy Spirit in times of holy combat.
This is why we need revelation in order to fight our enemies, revelation and wisdom in how to war against them. Once when the Holy Spirit opens your eyes and shows you the truth you can overcome these spiritual strongholds, and take out the evil spirits that war against you. (Eph. 1:17-18)
We must pray for the Lord to teach us how to war and how to do battle. Ask Him to lead you, and to guide you in the Word of God, and through prophetic revelation. We must be faithful to the written Word of God, pray for revelation and insight, be faithful to pray in the Spirit, and ask the Lord for wisdom. (Psa. 144:1)
Ask the Lord to show you who is warring against you, asks the Lord to show you the legal rights, and how to be set free. The Lord wants freedom for us in our lives. Not only He wants freedom for us, also for the church, and the cities we live in.
Therefore, we cannot war, we cannot do battle without revelation from the Holy Spirit flowing in our lives, leading us and shows us how to war, and how to fight.
21.Basic Training
Basic training; learning the basics in spiritual warfare will prepare us to move beyond these basics to deeper lessens in warfare. These basics go from the full armor, to the weapons of warfare, and foundations to spiritual warfare.
First and foremost we already have the victory through the power of the Cross that we have victory over all sins, demons, Satan and darkness. We are warring from the winning side, from the battle at the winning battle at the Cross to the battles throughout the history of the church and today, and the ones in the future and the ones in the end times.
We must war and do battle from this foundation truth and this holy ground upon the Rock of Christ. Beside, we are to war in rest and in peace. This battle must be warred when we are in the peace of God and resting in the Lord. For all these battles belong to the Lord, and war with the Lord.
Apart from this, before we go into any spiritual battle we should put on the full armor of God. The full armors means certain truths that we need established in our lives before we enter into holy combat. Then we are to put on the whole armor, this is for real and it is an act of faith. Put on the spiritual armor by faith before going to war. (Eph. 6:10-18)
Before we enter into spiritual warfare, before we enter into warfare prayer, we should always have established prayer life. A healthy prayer life comes before warfare prayer. (Eph. 6:18)
Know and learn how to use the spiritual weapons that are giving to every believer to war against the demons and set those free around you. The first group of spiritual weapons is giving to every believer, and every believer must know and learn how to use them, and to be good at using them. (2 Cor. 10:4)
General spiritual weapons are; the Name of Jesus, The Blood of Jesus, The Word of God, The weapon of Love, the power of praise and worship, and praying in the Spirit.
Then there are special spiritual weapons those that we must pray and ask the Lord for them, and each one will walk in some of them. These are the gifts of the Spirit, revelation, wisdom, prophecy, prophetic action, and revelational keys. But everyone is to have wisdom and revelation.
Apart from that, in certain times and some times we will have to fast in order to bring forth breakthroughs in times of spiritual combat and battles. There is a power that opens up in our lives when we fast according to the Holy Scriptures. (Isa. 58:6)
Apart from that, in order to really move forth in spiritual warfare, we must establish the deliverance ministry for it goes hand in hand with warfare prayer.
Let us not forget the apostolic element in warfare. Apostles have a special anointing to war and do battle against the spiritual darkness in our cities. We need there council, and leadership when we go from personal battles to the battles over our cities.
Furthermore, spiritual warfare is not just for prayer it is for everyday life, through minutes and hours that we could face temptation, and trials, and through the Lord we can overcome them all, for we have already overcome them all.
22.Unity in Warfare
Yes there are special missions when the Lord sends out a few or one on a warfare mission. These are special warriors sent on special missions to carry out or to prepare for the rest of the army of the Lord.
When we go from personal warfare to city warfare, etc. we need the army of the Lord, the Body of Christ warring side by side in Christ's oneness. Even in personal battles we need the help and prayers of other warriors to stand in the gap and war on our behalf.
We must not forget the unity element in warfare. Demons and Satan will always try to bring divisions among brothers and sisters in Christ. We need to walk in unity and agreement, for the Lord works mighty through unity and agreement.
When there is a division Satan has more doors and can walk in more weapons, but if there is unity, his power is weaken, and certain weapons are useless.
It takes maturity in each one of us to enter into warfare prayer, and it takes maturity to enter into warfare in unity. This is why you must watch out for your own weakness, and keep your own body in order so that demons do not use us in our own errors to attack a fellow believer in Christ.
We need maturity, we need the church, and we need a company warring with us through prayer and unity. When these two elements come together you will see breakthroughs happen most of the times.
You are not called to war as a lone gun, instead you war with the body of Christ, for we pray for one another and we are to stand with one another.
23.Informed Warriors
As we move forth in spiritual warfare, and warfare prayer we will become an informed warrior. When we war in spiritual warfare and warfare prayer we war in wisdom, revelation, information, and knowledge, instead of warring in ignorant and spiritual blindness.
We must do our research about city pasts, sins, people, and history to learn how to pray for them today, in order to do warfare today, Spiritual mapping, identificational repentance, key-lines, and power points. Spiritual mapping is learning the spiritual landscape of a city, through the study of history of a city, etc.
As we study and as the Lord leads us through revelation we will know what are the spiritual strongholds of the city, etc. then we can do prayer expeditions, prayer journeys, and prayer walking.
As we do spiritual warfare and warfare prayer we will enter into strategic level spiritual warfare, for this kind of warfare we need the apostolic element and even the unity element.
Now can we apply this to our own live, in our own personal spiritual battles? Yes we can, through study of our family history, etc. and being lead by the Holy Spirit we can do warfare and deliverance in our lives.
24.Praying Apostolic Prayers in Times of War
In the New Testament there are apostolic prayers that we can use today in our own lives and in spiritual warfare and warfare prayer. Praying Apostolic Prayers in times of war will bring the fruits of those prayers into your life and into the times of battle.
The first apostolic prayer that is used in warfare is the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Pray this to release the will of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and for deliverance in times of war.
The second apostolic prayer we will use in war is when Jesus prayed for the church to be one. We need Christ's oneness and true unity in times of war, in order to see breakthrough come and manifest. (John 17:20-23)
The third apostolic prayer is found in Ephesians 1:15-23 when Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus for the Spirit of wisdom, and the Spirit of revelation. See we need wisdom and revelation in times of war in order to see our enemies and how to overcome them.
The forth apostolic prayer is found in Colossians 1:9-18 when Paul prayed for the church of Colosse for knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual understanding, in times of war we need to know God's will and purpose in the battle to give hope and faith to be patience and steadfast in the battle.
These four apostolic prayers will aid us and move us forth more faster in warfare prayer. These are apostolic prayers that will release the will of God, deliverance, unity, wisdom, revelation, knowledge, and spiritual understanding. These prayers are the will of God, and will give us faith to believe for these spiritual aids in warfare prayer.
Today in the Church there are many good Christians who pray bad prayers over people. There are many good intercessors today that are misled to pray against their pastors. But they say they do it in the name of God, and you see they have no fruits of the Spirit. Fruits of the Spirit are the key of true prayer. Prayer is giving of one self not taking away from another. Taking away blessings from another is called "prayer-craft."
Prayer-Craft is a prayer against the will of God over certain people or a person. They are those who are praying against their husbands and likewise those who pray against their wives. Prayer-craft is controlling prayers over others. Prayer-craft comes when one has a need to have power over others. It is also comes out of soulless prayer realm.
Witchcraft is a work of flesh. And I believe there is sin in this area. We need to wake up before God and comes to knock on our hearts in our sleep. We need to stop praying our wills over people. We need to stop obeying self in our time of prayer.
What will happen if we don't repent of this sin? God will deal with us and he will not allow you to keep on working against your brothers. You will also stop God from blessing you. Also angels will turn on you and will not protect you. I say this for your own good. The funny thing the most of us do not know that we are working the work of the flesh called 'witchcraft.' This sin is deceitful to the eyes of those who commit witchcraft.
26.Soulish Prayers
Today's Church is very opponent. Every one has to give their opponent. The right to speak is a temptation to many. Maturity and controlling our tongue goes hand in hand. It is very funny, here we Christians can't control our tongue; instead we want to control others around us. Those who don't walk in self-control will walk a controlling spirit with others around them. We need to choose are words wisely and walk in discretion. When we grow in wisdom, discernment and discretion for these are signs of maturity.
As intercessors grow we need to know where we been wrong in the prayers we have prayed. Even in the prophetic as we grow you will see where you been wrong in the past, these all are the signs of maturity.
Soulish prayers are prayers prayed out of our own will and own opponents of others during prayer. It is not praying God's will but what you think it should be. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. (Jam. 4:3)
Prayer Craft comes out of Soulish prayers. When a Christian walks in this certain area. They began to allow demons to move in their prayer life. The reason is that they want to control others. In addition, religious spirits are on the same line of witchcraft spirits. Moreover, it is the heart behind the prayers we pray. Sometime we pray out of a wrong heart, such as a heart of strife.
Romans 8:5-8 :: New King James Version (NKJV)
Romans 8
5For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Romans 8:5-8 :: Amplified Bible (AMP)
Romans 8
5For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and [1] pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and [2] seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit.
6Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that [3] comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].
7[That is] because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God's Law; indeed it cannot.
8So then those who are living the life of the flesh [catering to the appetites and impulses of their carnal nature] cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him.
Romans 8
5 For they that be after the flesh, understand those things [savour those things] that be of the flesh; but they that be after the Spirit, feel those things that be of the Spirit.
6 For the prudence of flesh is death; but the prudence of Spirit is life and peace.
7 For the wisdom of the flesh is enemy to God; for it is not subject to the law of God, for neither it may [soothly neither it may be subject to the law].
8 And they that be in flesh, be not able to please to God. [For they that be in flesh, may not please to God.]
Soulish prayers are prayers prayed out of the soul not out of the heart of God. Soulish prayers come from a mind that has not been renewed by the Word of God. This mind is against God and his ways. In addition, God is against those minds that have not been renewed.
1 Corinthians 2:12-16 :: New King James Version (NKJV)
1 Corinthians 2
12Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
13These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy[1] Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. 16For "who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?"[2] But we have the mind of Christ.
1 Corinthians 2:12-16 :: Amplified Bible (AMP)
1 Corinthians 2
12Now we have not received the spirit [that belongs to] the world, but the [Holy] Spirit Who is from God, [given to us] that we might realize and comprehend and appreciate the gifts [of divine favor and blessing so freely and lavishly] bestowed on us by God.
13And we are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the [Holy] Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual truths with spiritual language [to those who possess the Holy Spirit].
14But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.
15But the spiritual man tries all things [he [1] examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things], yet is himself to be put on trial and judged by no one [he can read the meaning of everything, but no one can properly discern or appraise or get an insight into him].
16For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart.(1)
A Mind that has not been renewed in certain areas is an open to the spirit of this world. When Christians are conformed to this world, moreover there are those who are conformed to religion and religious spirits. However, this makes Christians to not received freely from the Spirit and the spiritual things. Even more they can't understand so then they wrongly judge spiritual things. This is where Soulish prayers come from.
27.How To Fight Witchcraft
There are three levels of warfare the first is ground level warfare, which is the ministry of deliverance, the second is the occult level of warfare, which is warring against witchcraft and the third, is strategy level of warfare, which is warring against the ruling powers of darkness. Now there are four battlegrounds the first is the mind, the second is the church, the third is the world and the fourth is the heavenly realms.
There are different kinds of witchcraft all are evil. First and foremost witchcraft is a work of the flesh, then there is occult witchcraft, while witchcraft, dabble, soulish prayers, prayer craft, religious witchcraft, and controlling spirits.
Witchcraft and religion goes hand on hand for witchcraft is a religious. You can see among religious people a spirit of witchcraft working among them along with religious spirits.
Witchcraft and fear are link together. You can't overcome the warfare of witchcraft unless you first cast fear out of your life. Most of witchcraft is fear and the power of witchcraft is based upon fear.
Witchcraft and control working together for witchcraft is false authority and is controlling others against their own will is witchcraft. Control is done by fear and fear is linked to witchcraft.
Foundation for protection:
In Romans 8:38-39 applied to us; that nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Nothing shall be able to separate us neither angels, neither principalities nor neither powers, in addition neither witchcraft shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. In Zechariah 2:5 applied to us; that the LORD will be a wall of fire around us and the LORD will be the glory in our midst. The Lord is a wall of fire around us against witchcraft. In addition, the Lord has put a hedge of protection around us, and love ones, and possessions base on the new covenant. In Psalm 34:7 applied to us; that the angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and delivers them. The LORD has placed angels around us to protect us. In Psalm 91 is the protection Psalm for us, we are protected from witchcraft. In Psalm 121 applied to us; that the LORD is our keeper and He shall preserve us from all evil. The Lord shall preserve and protect us from witchcraft. In Numbers 23:21,23 says that sorcery and divination cannot stand against us. Witchcraft can't stand against us. In 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 7:25 applied to us; that Christ is our Mediator and Intercession. Jesus Christ is your Mediator not a pastor or a man therefore witchcraft can't stand against you. Jesus Christ is your Intercession therefore witchcraft or prayer craft can't overcome the intercession of Christ in your life. In Hebrews 13:20-21, Rev. 12:11 applied to us, that your are covered by the Blood of Jesus, that you are protected by the power of Jesus Christ against all kinds of witchcraft.
Now we have established the foundation for protection against all kinds of witchcraft now we are going to talk about how to fight witchcraft.
How to Fight Witchcraft:
1. A curse without a cause shall not stand. Any witchcraft that has not rights cannot stand against you. Take out their rights and you will begin to win that battle. (Prov. 26:2)
2. Any area of your life where there is no protection against witchcraft you must ask God to show you why and how to rebuild the wall of protection in that area of your life. (Eccl. 10:8)
3. Condemn any witchcraft, curses, evil spirits, false judgments, and any words against you in the name of Jesus, bind witchcraft, evil spirits, and break curses and cast them all into hell. Pray for the Lord to send angels to the sources of the attacks and take it out, pray for the Lord to send angels in between you and the warfare to protect you and war on your behalf. Pray to the Lord to send angels to minister to you, restore you, war for you and protect you against those attacks. Now pray for the Lord to turn the counsel against you into foolishness. Pray for the Lord to turn around the evil against you for your good. Pray for the Lord to deliver you from all unreasonable and wicked men (Isa. 54:17)
4. You first and foremost must be free from any kinds of fear before trying to come up against any witchcraft against you. (Isa. 54:14)
5. Pray for those who do witchcraft against you, break the curses and their witchcraft and in turn bless them, forgive those who hurt you. (Matt. 5:44, Rom. 12:14)
6. You must know that this is a spiritual battle and that it is evil spirits working behind people against the will of God in your life. Our war is against those evil spirits not the people. (Eph. 6:12)
7. Know and learn how to use the weapons of warfare against witchcraft. (2 Cor. 10:2-4)
Now beyond this you must understand the Jesus Christ is the Intercessor of the Brethren and Satan is the accuser of the Brethren today he goes around to good Christians speaking lies, etc against brothers and sisters in Christ once when those persons obey such lies then demons spirits are released, they need permission from saints to attack other saints. But if you refuse to listen to the Accuser instead listen to the Intercessor you will release blessings. The more you listen to the Accuser the less you will hear the Intercessor, and likewise the more you hear the Intercessor the less you will hear the Accuser. The key is love, let love be your motive in your prayer life, etc. and love will cover a multitude of sins.
Moreover, you need other pure Christians praying and warring with you against witchcraft that comes against you. Two are better then one. We need prayer power from others backing us up in times of warfare.
Furthermore, pray for the peace of God between you and your enemies, battle, etc. and ask the Lord for peace. It is promise that the Lord would give you peace between your enemies if your ways please the Lord. The Lord has promise to prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. (Prov. 16:7, Psa. 23:5)
28.Healing from Spiritual Warfare
Balance in spiritual warfare is necessity in order truly advanced the Kingdom of God on Earth. A Christian who doesn't believe in spiritual warfare is deceived and is open to be used by enemy against those believed in warfare. There are few who believe that Satan does not war against the Church. They too are deceived. On the other hand there are a few you who are out of date in their spiritual warfare strategy, this is why we should keep up to date on today's spiritual warfare strategy.
There is a healing anointing here today to heal who ever will to come unto him. Healing in the mist of the battle. Healing from the attacks of the enemy. Many of you have lose a lot in your obey the Lord, what you lose you have gain in Christ. Really you lose nothing for war is a good war. We are to fight the good fight of faith. Today goodness of the Lord is here. The Lord comes set things order in out lives. He is here to comfort us. He is here to bring healing to the waters of our hearts.
However, Christians are suffering in other nations where there is no freedom to worship on be a witness. They are being persecuted for their faith in Christ, which they are blessed for this, and this is too spiritual warfare. In the same nations there are false religions and anti-Christ spirits. God is building a bridge between the freedom Church and the persecuted Church. They're some walls of division that will come down. Also there are certain prejudice between each other the will come down.
In addition, any Christian, local church or ministry that is moving forth in advancing the kingdom of God will go through spiritual warfare.
Moreover, Apostles and Prophets will live a life of suffering and hardship and live a life rest and glory. The difference between apostles and prophets when come to spiritual warfare. The Prophets trials are a walk through the park compare to the Apostles. This is why both of these ministries need much prayer and support from the Body.
Beside, We need to have understanding what others been through, and that it takes time to be healed. When a warrior comes home from battle he will need some time to make the transition.
Apart from that, in understanding all of this, lets enter into rest, for there is much healing and wholeness waiting for each one of us. Who ever wills let them come unto the Lord today. He bring not only healing but also restoration to our lives, family, ministry and business.
Furthermore, there is a time to war; there is a time for healing, and restoration. During the time of war there is much blessing.
29.How To Have A Prayer Ministry
I believe we are in this 12-weeks personal prayer revival. God is calling us to pray and He wants us to learn how to pray in this time. He wants us to have a good prayer life. He wants to bring revivals to our prayer times.
Every Christian is called to make intercessions and every Christian is called to pray. For those that are called by God has been given the gift of intercession and a ministry of prayer. And those who are called to the ministry of prayer and have the gift of intercession have to obey their call.
God wants every local church to have a prayer ministry. For the Church is a House of prayer for all nations. We will never see God move the way he wants to move unless we make the house a house of prayer for all nations again.
How To Have A Local Church Prayer Ministry:
1. Teaching on prayer and the gift of the intercessor.
2. Gather the intercessors into their own ministry.
3. Set guidelines for the prayer ministry.
4. Give them books on prayer.
5. Give them their own room in the Local Church.
There are other ways of prayer ministry, such as using Internet to setup a prayer ministry. I pray that every local church has a prayer ministry and that there will be many more Internet prayer ministries and more other kinds of prayer ministry. I believe one reason for the Internet is for global prayer.
30.Threefold Cord
The Holy Spirit knows the mind of Christ and the Father. The Will of God is to form a threefold cord between Intercession, Prophetic and Worship. There is a divine relationship between these three. I believe there will be 24 hours a day and 7 days a week of intercession, prophetic and worship in many cities around the World.
Intercession is the one of the keys that opens the windows of Heaven to release power and authority upon the Church. As we build houses of prayer around the world in many cities we are building places that will be the gateways for the supernatural to pass from Heaven to Earth through.
Prophetic is importation in order to reveal the mind of Christ to the Church. To see God's purpose, to see God's will, to see God's plan, to see His destiny for our cities. It is like God has giving His eyes to the Church through the prophetic.
Worship is what brings us into proper heartfelt faith, and steadfast heart of faith in order to walk in the passion of Christ. Once when we set things in order to the point of real and extreme worship the key of David will be giving to us to shut the gates of hell for good and open the gates of the kingdom for good. These changes will come and will never be unchanged again. No evil force can stand again the key of David, which comes through worship.
Prophetic Intercession connects us with the heart of Christ through the Holy Spirit in order to pray the mind of God. This is revelational prayer that puts light on the darkness and nothing will be hidden when intercession and the prophetic comes together.
Worship Intercession is when we put our worship together in a form of praying to God. There is a kind intercession that comes forth with worship. When these two come together we will see our prayers become real in our world.
Apart from that, there will be centers build around the world some have already been established. Many of these will be City Church Centers which will be a place of 24/7 of intercession, prophetic and worship these places will be the gates of the Kingdom of God in this World.
Furthermore, as these gates are established in the Earth we will see signs and wonders that will touch nations and the world. Men will not do these signs and wonders instead God will do them. Beside, these gates will be places where the waves of glory are release on Earth from Heaven.
The End?