By Elvis Iverson
Copyright © 2019 by Elvis Iverson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.
Printed in the United States of America
Elvis Iverson
P.O. Box 8132
Omaha, NE 68108
Supplication International Ministries
The Fall of the sons of Disobedience
The fall of the kingdoms of hate
The Capstone Anointing
The Great Apostles and Great Prophets
The Next Apostolic Waves
Apostles and Prophets of Revivals
The Apostles and Prophets of Reformation
The Angels of the Clouds
Floods of Harvest
Esteem Blue Glory
The Fall of the sons of Disobedience
In a vision I see a dark glay cloud over every nation and over many cities, then the archangel Raguel came and said The Lord of Hosts has sent me to you, now come with me to two cities, then we were in two cities by the Spirit. We were on the ground of one of the cities, and he said this evil cloud has control many cities and every nation on earth. Then I could hear many voices cry out to God to put end to this evil, this cry went for many generations.
Then I see the archangel Saraqael and he says no more that the evil cloud shall control the nations. Then I see a vision of warrior angels and the archangel Michael. Then the archangel Raguel says the last battle has begun for no longer shall they control the nations.
I see the Seven Angelic Watchers come forth going from nation to nation, I see the bloodshed of these evil wicked people and those who serve them, then I see the Lord of Hosts come with a sword of truth and cut the heads of dragons off, and there death was slow and painful.
Then I see the last four dragon heads in three cities and the archangel Saraqael came and took them to hell. In a vision in all cities around the earth there was dance of rejoicing.
The archangel Raphael says now the restoration of all things will come to all nations and the healing of nations has begun.
Then in a vision I see Africa and I see many nations come to Christ and come into the council of the apostles and prophets.
The fall of the kingdoms of hate
In a vision I see archangel Uriel, archangel Raphael, archangel Remiel and they say now the time of many revivals have begun, and I could hear the joy of many in many nations.
Archangel Michael and warrior angels came and the Seven Angelic Watchers and they war and war with the kingdoms of hate, then Raguel and Saraqael says this is the last battle of these kingdoms of hate.
I see the fall of first kingdom of hate, the Holy Spirit comes upon many and there hearts are healed and revival fire is set upon them. Then I see the warrior Bride of Christ arise in America. With a rod of iron the heavens break open and the death of queen spirits begin to come. Apostolic Reformation is heard throughout the Church, the roar of apostles and prophets and the sound of the Spirit.
I see the fat of the Spirit, the fat of revivals, the Fat of signs and wonders, the fat of the gifts of the Spirit, the fat of the apostles, the fat of the prophets come to the church in many nations.
Then I see the second fall of another hate kingdom, and great was there fall, the walls of hate and religion broken down and mass numbers come to Christ.
Then I see the Holy City and I see Christ come with a sword of love and the kingdoms of hates are no more in the holy city. I see the beginning of unity of the sons of the stars and the sons of sands. I see the apostles and prophets of zion arise and build and I see the union of the apostles and prophets of zion and new zion.
Then in a vision I see the fall of kingdoms of hate and religion in many nations. I see the arise of the City of God, the arise of the Apostolic Church, the arise of New Apostolic Wineskins, and the arise of the City Church.
The Capstone Anointing
In a vision I am taking to the Third Heaven, to a place call union where the cloud of witnesses and then archangel Gabriel come and says what do you see, I see a globe of anointing hovering over the cloud of witnesses, he says every believer, every apostle and prophet, revivalists and reformer is a part of this cloud of fellowship. Then he says that globe of anointing is the capstone anointing.
The cloud of union shouts grace, grace, shouts grace, grace, shouts grace, grace, shouts grace, grace. Then in a vision I am in Phoenix Arizona, and I see a gathering of prophets and they begin to shouts grace, grace. Then from sky the heavens open up and an open heaven fill the earth. I see a river of souls coming to Christ in many nations.
I see apostles and prophets of reformation go forth and roar like a lion throughout the church and many churches of old and many churches throughout time and many churches of now begin to fall apart, and the apostolic church arise, the New Apostolic Wineskins arise, The New Apostles Wines overflow within then and upon and flows out from them.
I see the oil of the Spirit poured upon many nations, and I see many revivals throughout the church in many nations, I see the apostles and prophets of revival minister throughout the church, I see apostolic revival hubs establish throughout the earth.
Then archangel Gabriel says now take this cup and fill it with the anointing that is in the globe of anointing. Now pour it out upon the church, upon the apostles and prophets and give it to your children, children, and children!!!
This cup is the drink of the revelation of the gospel of grace. The church of nations shall be drunk with the wine of grace, the church of nations is the global church of Christ. Then from this I see from the hearts of those who drink and are drunk with the wine of grace and I see rivers of signs and wonders flow from them unto all nations and all cities and all people groups.
The Great Apostles and Great Prophets
In a vision I see the Holy Spirit hover over a group in Heaven, and then Raphael and Raguel came and said these are a chosen few, they are great apostles and great prophets of your time.
I see a great apostle come forth with signs and wonders wining a few nations to Christ and leading millions to Christ from each nation he goes, and I see the voice of reformation and the voice of revival and the voice of harvest sounds from the heart of this apostle, I see revival come in certain nations, like Philippines, India, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, and America. I see the doors of these nations will open wide and never close.
I see a great prophet come to California and preach grace, and flow in signs and wonders, and many souls come to Christ, and a company of prophets arise with healing in their wings, and I see hub of prayer, revival, reformation, and missionary arise. I see the west coast revival, and this is a 100 year revival.
I see a great apostle come to New York City and rent a hall and begun to preach and teach with signs and wonders following, and great numbers come to Christ day and night, there were two services a day. Then after a time came a mighty move of prayer and revival, that was moving back and forth from NY to UK.
I see a great prophet go and minister in Florida, many signs and wonders happen, and many souls came to Christ, and revival was the norm.
I see a great prophet go to Texas and minister in signs and wonders, and waves of souls came to Christ and revival fall like the rain day and night.
I see a great apostle go and minister in signs and wonders and great numbers and many churches were birth and apostolic revelation flood nations, Russia, Ukraine, and neighboring countries, and Poland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Germany.
I see a great Apostle go and minister in Hong Kong, and I see revival in China, and Hong Kong and great massive numbers come to Christ and I see divine changes come upon many nations.
The Next Apostolic Waves
In a vision I see the Raphael and Remiel and they says can you see the coming waves of the apostolic, and I say yes I can see!! So they say let it be so, let it be done, it shall come to pass!
I see the first waves of the next apostolic waves and I hear reformation, and I see great host of angels flow with them. I see the power of God and signs and wonders.
I see the second waves of the next apostolic waves and I hear revival and I see signs and wonders.
I see the third waves of the next apostolic waves and I hear harvest, and I see signs and wonders and I see massive number come to Christ.
I see the fourth waves of the next apostolic waves and I hear Social Transformation, and I see signs and wonders.
Then I see groups of apostles come forth from these waves, first I apostolic buildings, second is reformation, revival, signs and wonders, experience Christianity, apostolic revelation. Third is harvest, fourth is unity, fifth is nation building, sixth influence, seventh Marketplace.
Apostles and Prophets of Revivals
In a vision I see the nations and many cities around the earth, and then Uriel and Raphael and Remiel says what do you see, and I see clouds rolling from the Third Heaven upon the earth in many cities and many nations.
I see apostolic hubs of prayer arise in the four corners of the earth, led by apostles and prophets of revival. Then Uriel and Raphael and Remiel the voices of revival are one and are in love, and humble.
Then I see the revelation of revival poured out from the Third Heaven Throne Room. In a vision I see western Washington, and I see day and night revival bliss. The first sign of the coming revival is the revelation of revival and prophecies on revival.
I see the coming revivals!!!
Revival Bliss the fire and wine revival!
Prophetic Bliss revival.
Prayer and worship bliss revival.
Apostolic bliss.
Marketplace bliss.
Love bliss.
Great Bliss.
Revival fire and wine bliss: Washington.
Prophetic Bliss revival: California.
Prayer and worship bliss revival: Kansas/Missouri.
Apostolic bliss: Nebraska/Iowa.
Marketplace bliss: New York.
Love bliss: Southern States.
Great Bliss: America. The Great Bliss is all six revivals.
The Apostles and Prophets of Reformation
In a vision I see a group of apostles and prophets I see fire, glory, light, in and around them, then Gabriel and Raphael and Uriel says the apostles and prophets of reformation are one, in love, and humble to one another.
I see a pride of lions come forth from the Throne Room of God, from very Thrones of Father, the Son our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. And I see these lions roar and from their mouths came a great army of angels that went and brought in end to many churches, many groups, and the lions roar again and a river of apostolic revelation poured forth upon the church with signs and wonders. I see the arise of the apostolic church, the arise of the new apostolic wineskins, and the pouring and overflow of new apostolic wines.
I see the lions of reformation roar again and horses ride out from their mouths and reformation came to the church in many cities and many nations.
The pride roar again and eagles fly around the earth many times and the supernatural and signs and wonders, gifts of the Spirit, bliss gifts of God where every area of the earth.
I see the Bride of Christ arise in the earth in a new level of maturity and love!!!
I see the pride roar again and the ox of the apostolic come forth and there is great missionary movements throughout the earth.
I see the pride roar again and the wolves of Christ arise throughout the Church. The City Church, the Regional Church, the State Church, the National Church and the Zone Church and the Global Church begins to arise, and there is massive outpourings of home churches and center church hubs and massive harvests of souls.
Then the lions roar again and doves fly from their mouth, and the restoration of all things and the healing of nations come forth.
The Angels of the Clouds
In a vision I see clouds coming upon many cities and many nations and I see massive numbers of angelic hosts around the clouds of glory and revival.
Out of the clouds came drunk angels and the masses were drunk with Christ, whole gatherings were drunk with Christ, this was in every day thing, even the marketplace and the workplace were getting drunk on Christ. I see certain areas in the earth where these regions were drunk of Christ for 100 years.
Then from out the clouds came prophetic angels upon the gatherings of the just and see many prophecy, many see visions, many have open visions, many are having visions of heaven and Christ.
Out of the clouds came healing angels and masses were getting healed, then I see a meeting in Tampa that went on for ten days and 10,000 people were healed and never sick again.
Then the Holy Spirit says the revelation of divine health and divine healing and divine freedom will pour out upon the church all over the earth, and the believers who say yes and amen, will never get sick and will be demons free zone.
Then I see soaking angels come out of the clouds and many are soaked with the presences of God and I see whole nations soaked in the presence of God, and this is soaking revival.
Then from out of the cloud came angels of the deep prophetic and gathering of believers will have open vision together seeing angels, etc and this was common.
I see from out of the cloud angels of revival bliss and many 1000’s have revival, and then 10 of 1000’s have revival, and then 100 of 1000’s have revival. Revival bliss will be common.
Then from out of the clouds came angels with gifts of the Spirit, whole cities and regions many believers flow in the gifts of the Spirit and this was all over the earth.
Then I see angels come out of the clouds with the bliss gifts of God and I see a company of 100 and group of 26 walk in the rivers of the bliss gifts of God, and then I see whole regions flowing in the supernatural bliss gifts of God.
I see from the cloud come revival angels bringing revivals to many villages in India, Africa, Asia, South America, Center America, Mexico, Asian nations.
I see angels of signs and wonders coming forth from clouds and bringing many signs and wonders to many cities and many regions all over the earth.
Floods of Harvest
In a vision I see the Seven Eyes of God and I see a deeper prophetic wave come to the church, and then I hear the Seven Voices of God and I hear a strong apostolic wave come to the church.
The Holy Spirit says:
The waves of rivers of harvest are coming, and there will be river upon river, and there will be rivers that overtake those rivers. The signs of your time is reformation, revival and harvest!!! You will not be able to manage or micromanage the coming harvests.
It is the wisdom of the apostles, only through the equipping of the saints and ongoing training of the Fivefold that we can overseer the harvest. You can only overseer the harvest by mass discipleship, mass equipping, mass mentoring, mass fathering, mass teaching, ministering in Word revelation, Apostolic revelation, experience Christianity, signs and wonders, apostolic prayers, orthodox Christianity.
The Holy Spirit says:
There will be a great outpourings of home churches, and within cities they will have home church nets that will have Apostolic home church centers. Then there apostolic hubs: apostolic hubs of prayer, apostolic hubs of revival, and apostolic hubs of city church centers. There will be a global massive outpouring of apostolic revelation and apostolic reformation and the new apostolic wineskins and a continue outpouring of overflowing new apostles wines. The Church shall drink and be drunk on new apostles wines.
Then I see a vision of China and I see a massive harvest of souls, it will about between 80 to 90 percent. I see the land full of revival and signs and wonders, and I see the land full of new apostolic wineskins, and I see then reading the books of apostles and prophets.
I see a vision of the grace gospel and the apostles and prophets coming together in reformation, revival and harvest and I see a great outpouring of signs and wonders.
I see a vision of India and I see massive numbers coming to Christ, I see evangelistic apostles and prophets and evangelists and home church pastors in seven regions, then in 26 regions. I foresee 99 percent of India in Grace Gospel Apostolic Christianity.
I see a vision of America, Canada, and Mexico, I see whole regions of massive harvest of souls, that a new breed of Christianity will arise, and the old breed of Christianity will decrease and come to an end.
The Holy Spirit says: This is just the beginning!!!
Now from this prophecy today comes anointing of harvest upon you, if you agree say yes and amen, and you shall receive!! Says the Lord!!
Esteem Blue Glory
In a vision I see the new churches of the new days, these churches are not buildings but companies of fellowships of believers. They will be the Third Reformation Revelation, New Apostolic Wineskins, New Apostolic Wines, gifts of the Spirit, signs and wonders, the prophetic, and the wine of holy drunkness, priesthood of the believers, fivefold ministry, foundation of apostles and prophets, many revivals, GRACE GOSPEL, marketplace church, the home church, missionary movements, compassion works, unity of the church and orthodox Christianity.
Then I see a vision of an esteem blue glory hovering over America. This is the government of the apostles and prophets. The Lord shall establish, built, guide, overseer and mature and then impart and activate, execrate, and increase in the church in all nations, in the church in all regions, in the church in all states, in the church in all zones and global.
Now the Holy Spirit says receive the impartation of this esteem blue glory!!! Say yes and amen and you shall receive says the Lord!!!
Then the Holy Spirit says what is the future of America? See now into the future and what do you see? Can you image America full of many revivals? While this is the future of America!!! The Future of America is one of Revival!!! Many Revivals!!!
Now the Holy Spirit says receive the impartation of this future of America!!! Say yes and amen and you shall receive says the Lord!!!
Now the Holy Spirit says receive the impartation of the revival anointing!!! Say yes and amen and you shall receive says the Lord!!!
Now the Holy Spirit says receive the impartation of this revival bliss fire and wine and soaking revival!!! Say yes and amen and you shall receive says the Lord!!!