By Elvis Iverson
Copyright © 2021 by Elvis Iverson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.
Printed in the United States of America
Elvis Iverson
P.O. Box 8132
Omaha, NE 68108
Supplication International Ministries
The Golden House
The Sea of Destiny
Words of Seasons
Increase dreams and Encounters
Prophetic Words of Fire
The Fire Anointing
Encounter of angels
Reopening the walls
Future Times of Bliss
Drink of Bliss
The Golden House
In a vision I am taking by the Holy Spirit into the coming clouds of glory and revival and I see a realm of apostolic and prophetic liberty and I see the freedom of apostolic access and the freedom of prophetic access and I see a place where the apostles and prophets can fully obey and follow the Holy Spirit, and they will have support and resources and financials, and the means and ways and people to fulfill their purpose, their commission, their vision, and flow in signs and wonders. The Holy Spirit says it is time to move forth and fulfill the will of God. Then I see this anointing pour upon all apostles and all prophets and mighty wings came forth and an army was below every apostle and prophet seat.
Then in a vision I am in the Third Heaven and I see a golden house, this is the apostolic movements of many generations and ages!!!
Then I enter into the Golden House and I see the first room this is the company of many witnesses, and I could see apostles and prophets and mover and shakes throughout history. I sat there and eat and receive from them!!!
Then I went into the second room and this is the apostles of ideals and they are ones that God chosen to release the revelation of apostles and be a model for the coming waves of apostles, and there reward is great for they will partake in all the rewards of the coming waves. Then the Holy Spirit says if you did not receive them you cannot go to next rooms.
Then I went into the third room the room of reformation and this room was full of lions and wolves! These apostles and prophets will come as holy lions and holy wolves upon the church. Eat the reformation revelation and you enter into the coming Grace Apostolic Christianity!!! If you don’t eat of this revelation you will be burn up!!!
Then I was in the fourth room this is the room of the coming waves of the apostles and the generations of the apostles!!! This room is total different from the room of the apostles of ideals, these apostles come from the inner place of the Spirit, and will flow in signs and wonders and mighty deeds, and apostolic revelation, revival, and experience Christianity.
The Fifth room is the room of many revivals, there are many revivals coming, I could see many clouds of glory and revival.
The sixth room is the generations of the apostles and prophets, within each generation of apostles are apostolic waves and each apostlic waves gives birth to other waves and each generation gives birth to more generations.
Now I am in the seventh room this is Grace Apostolic Christianity and this is the outpouring of the church in acts, outpouring of the home church, outpouring of the new apostolic wineskins and new apostolic wines.
Now I see the eighth room the room of the workplace church, marketplace church, Joel army and the Seven Angelic Watchers and the Seven Spirits of God.
In the ninth room is the global company of kings and priests and the church and the marketplace church, and coming waves and rivers of wealth.
In the tenth room I see the peace of Israel, the restoration of all things and the healing of the nations, the increase of the Kingdom of God, and the increase of the peace of the Kingdom of God and the increase of the church.
IN the 11th room is the golden age of the church, the Kingdom church, The City of God and the Kingdom of God, and the city church, regional church, state church, national church, zone church, global church.
Now I am in the 12th room the church age shall not end, the age of grace shall not end!!!
The Sea of Destiny
In a vision I see a sea before me and I hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit saying come now and leave the four walls of the kingdom of religion behind and embrace the Church of the Third Heaven.
Then I begun to swim and as I swim I see the great company of many witnesses, and there mantles begin to fall upon the church again, and as I swim more I see new mantles fall upon the church that was not yet been received.
Then I swim more and I see some who have suffered shipwreck and I see broken ministries and broken churches and the Holy Spirit says this is the attack of the army of religion, then I see a wall and that wall is a wall of fire and revelation, the Holy Spirit says I have built that wall to protect those from the army of religion. Each of seven mountains has an army, but the Joel Army must overcome. The true church is the city of God establish upon the mountain of the Kingdom of God, above the city of God, is the Third Heaven and the Third Heaven Church, and from the Third Heaven Throne Room comes many clouds of glory and revival over the City of God.
Then I swim more and more and I see an island called revelation, then I seek the Lord and soak in the presence of the Lord for years. This is the island of the apostles in waiting and prophets in waiting.
In a vision I see great eagles and more eagles arise and fly around the earth and the Holy Spirit says these are the coming prophets and none will come near or touch them for they are holy. I see from their eyes flowed revelation, Word revelation, prophetic revelation, deep prophetic, signs and wonders. Then in a vision I see an army of horses and they are wild and cannot be train by men. They are the coming apostles, the first is the show horse who is the signs and wonders apostle, second is the race horse who will carry the apostolic revelation to the church, the third is the work horse who carry missionary work, the fourth is the pleaser horse who will carry revival, and then the war house who will carry reformation.
Then I see again the coming eagles, the first eagle is the eagle of revelation, the second eagle is the eagle of signs and wonders, and the third eagle is the eagle of deep prophetic, the fourth eagle is the eagle of revival, and the fifth eagle is the eagle of reformation.
Now I hear the Holy Spirit say to me swim now again and swim to the harbor of nations and we begin to swim and then the angels came down and took us fast toward the harbor of nations, and the city of the apostles. Then the Holy Spirit says Harvest Now Destiny Now Revival Now Increase Now!!!!!
Words of Seasons
In a vision I see a mature prophet with a rod in one hand and a trumpet in the other hand, and I see an angel that holds the rod and I see an angel that holds the trumpet.
The Words of Seasons:
1.Season of favor and restoration and Wealth.
2.Season of signs and wonders and revival.
3.Season of apostolic building.
4.Season of revival and harvest.
5.Season of revival.
6.Season of harvest.
7.Season of influence.
8.Season of mass harvest.
9.Season of bliss gifts and the gifts of the Spirit and revival.
10.Season of the deep prophetic and bliss revival.
11.Season of wealth and harvest, and revival.
12.Season of fat glory.
Years of restoration and reformation and revival.
Years of reconstitution and reformation and revival
Years of rebuilding and reformation and revival.
Years of repentance and reformation and revival.
Years of restitution and reformation and revival.
Years of revolution and reformation and revival.
Years of renaissance and reformation and revival.
Years of revelation and reformation and revival.
Increase dreams and Encounters
In a vision I see the earth and I see the zones of the earth, and I see the divine divisions of the church arise in the earth. The City Church, the Regional Church, the State Church, the National Church, the Zone Church, and the Global Church, as the revelation of the Body of Christ arise in each divine division so is the activity of the Holy Spirit shall arise.
In see the Middle East and I see the cloud of dreams and encounters come upon this zone and I see that 10,000 people will have dreams and encounters every day. I see northern Africa and I see the cloud hover over these nations and I see 100,000 will have dreams and encounters every day.
I see South America and I see the cloud hover over them and I see 500,000 people will have dreams and encounters every day.
I see Center America and I see a million will have dreams and encounters every day. I see Mexico and I see 100,000 that will have dreams and encounters.
I see China and I see the cloud hover over them, and I see a million have dreams and encounters every day.
I see India and I see a million that shall have dreams and encounters every day.
I see Russia and their neighbors and that a million shall have dreams and encounters every day.
I see America and I see a million shall have dreams and encounters every day.
I see Canada and I see the cloud hover and a million shall have dreams and encounters every day.
Now I see many other nations where the cloud will hover and many shall have dreams and encounters every day.
The Holy Spirit says this is about the unbelievers have dreams and encounters, but all believers will have an outpouring of visions, dreams and prophecy, encounters.
Prophetic Words of Fire
In a vision I see three prophets that shall arise in three nations and from their mouths will come prophetic fire and revival fire.
I see in the United Kingdom and a prophet of prophetic fire and revival fire and the prophetic fire and revival fire went throughout the common wealth of nations.
I see in Ireland a prophet of prophetic fire and revival fire shall arise and prophetic fire and revival fire will fill the land.
I see in Italy a prophet of prophetic fire and revival fire shall arise and prophetic fire and revival fire shall go to all the catholic nations.
Then I see a bowl of prophetic fire and a bowl of revival fire and I see it is oil, water and wine on fire. These two bowls are very huge, you can fit a whole army in one. Then the Holy Spirit says come now and enter into the bowls of prophetic fire and revival fire and I could see churches of prophetic fire and churches of revival fire.
The Fire Anointing
Then I see a bowl of prophetic fire and a bowl of revival fire and I see it is oil, water and wine on fire. These two bowls are very huge, you can fit a whole army in one. Then the Holy Spirit says come now and enter into the bowls of prophetic fire and revival fire and I could see churches of prophetic fire and churches of revival fire.
In a vision I see these two bowls, the bowl of prophetic fire and the bowl of revival fire pour into each other and I see a third bowl appear before me in a vision, and I see the bowl of prophetic fire and the bowl of revival fire poured into this bowl. The Holy Spirit says come now and enter into this bowl.
This is the bowl of fire and wine and revival bliss, I see the fire and wine come together and I see the fire wine bliss revival come forth, a revival of experience Christianity and I see a group of the fellowship of fire and wine revival bliss arise in the earth, it will make the charismatic church look like a child and this revival fellowship will be 100 times bigger and stronger and wilder and in the outer realm of the Spirit of glory but the more biblical sound then the charismatic church.
In that day I see many churches and many groups burn up by revival fire and I see a new birth of new churches and new groups arise and they have unity among them like no other movement, this movement will be a movement of several movements of church revival. The fellowship of the churches of fire and wine and revival bliss shall arise and increase.
I see an angel before us saying do you want the fire anointing, and we say yes, yes, yes, and then the fire anointing came upon us. I see the wine revival anointing, the fire revival anointing and the bliss revival anointing before our eyes, the angel says do you want them, and we say yes, yes, and yes!!!. These three anointings are like might rivers in us and upon us and around us and flowing from us.
Encounter of Angels
I see a vision I see a cloud come down from the Third Heaven Throne Room in many gatherings around the earth, and I see in the hearts of many a cloud comes out from the Throne Room in their heart, I see this happening all over the earth in many nations and in many cities, it is happening in within a day or three days or a week from each other.
This cloud is revival glory and this cloud is fat with glory rain, and the church shall be fat with glory revival, fire revival, wine revival in many nations and many cities.
I see the glory rain, I see the fire rain, and I see the wine rain in the church and in many nations and many cities.
I see a flood of glory, I see a flood of fire, and I see a flood of wine in the church and in many nations and many cities.
Then I see a flood of angelic hosts, I see from the glory cloud came angels raining, from the glory came rain, flood and angels, from the fire rain and flood came angels, from the wine rain and flood came angels.
It looks like waterfalls of angels pouring from the glory cloud, over the church in many nations and many cities and in many nations and many cities.
Reopening the Walls
In a vision I see many praying for revival all over the world, then I see a praying prophet come before me, and he says they pray for revival but don’t practice the presence of God! The praying prophet was crying and he says here is the keys to the already revival in you and from this revival all revivals will come, but this revival is always and always in you and the church.
1.Practice the presence of God.
2.Radical Grace, grace alone.
3.Receive the apostles and prophets.
4.Love the Body.
5.Believe in the power of God.
6.Enjoy the company of angels.
7.Prepare for revival.
Then the praying prophet says you don’t need to reopen the walls of revival for they never close, they may have close in the minds of believers, just renew your mind, relax, and pray in the Spirit and embrace the walls of revivals.
Then the praying prophet says those revival walls where first established in the Third Heaven, where the Church and every believer is seated with Christ, so you can have these revivals always, for before the revivals are establish on earth, they are first establish in the Third Heaven where you can enjoy always, even if the revivals in the past has been hinder, they cannot be hinder in the Third Heaven.
Now new revivals shall be establish in the earth, but they are already establish in the Third Heaven and you can enjoy them before they are establish on earth.
The new revivals cannot be hinder for they are many!!!
Future Times of Bliss
In a vision I see a revival prophet and church apostle and a revival prophet, and revival apostle, and a revival apostle, they says do you want do know the future of America? I say yes we would like to know. Image America full of many revivals!! That is the future of America! They then said the future begins now!!!
I see many clouds of glory and revival come from the Third Heaven Throne Room and I see from the hearts of many believers and I see revival clouds come out from their hearts.
I see 30 revival prophets ministering in ten cities and I see revival falling like mighty waters of wine and fire. I then is 14 revival apostles ministering in these ten cities and I see many signs and wonders and revivals. Then I look again I see revivals in many cities across America.
Then I see Miss Liberty drink a big deep glass of holy revival wine, and she is drunk with holy revival wine. Then I see all of America drunk with holy revival wine. Then I here this is a 100 years revivals!!!
Then I see seven revivals that shall come in seven areas and from these seven areas these revivals fires will fill America with revival fire.
Then I see the fire revival comes into union with the wine revival and the oil revival comes into union and the wind revival comes into union, and the water revival comes into union, and they became one all global revival.
Then I see more revivals come into union with each other and become one and likewise I see this happening with more revivals, then I see many revivals all over the church and the earth.
I then see the American Flag and I see revivals fires on all the stars and I see the Flag drip and soaked in the Wine of revival.
Drink of Bliss
I see a cloud hovering over the earth and the City of God, and I see a gathering of apostles and prophets, a gathering of reformation apostles and prophets, and I see a gathering of revival apostles and prophets.
They were all lay upon the ground with their face toward the ground, the glory was just so overcoming, and they were all drunk with glory. Then I see a table before them and drink of the wine of revival and they are all drunk with revival, and glory, and holy wine of Christ.
Then I see the fire of God come upon all of them and each of them, they were all drunk with the fire of God.
Then I see a great river flowing around and between each of them and upon them and under them and through them, they all got into the great waters of the Spirit and life and revival, and they were all drunk on the waters of life.
Then I see a great bowl of oil and they all got into it and became drunk on the oil of the Spirit and revival.
Then I see the winds of the Spirit and revival blow upon them and through them and around them and they were all drunk on the winds of the Spirit and revival.
Then I see them again go through the whole process of drinking and drunkenness of the Spirit and revival.